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No more CFE


Active Member
I just heard the new 80 mm lenses will be supplied as 80 CFI.
This means Hasselblad/Zeiss will not support the 200 series cameras any longer by the CFE versions of a number of lenses.
The CFE version of the 80 mm was last mentioned in the october 2006 pricelist.

The change could indicate that the 500 series will be available for some time to come.

During the last photokina someone from Zeiss told me that they are still building lenses for Hasselblad, several thousands were on order. So the system is not dead yet.

Glad that I have an 80 mm CFE though. Sad that never all lenses were available as CFE.

Hi Ulrik,

> Sad that never all lenses were > available as CFE.

Some FE lenses have closer focus (some of them like the 80, but hasn't been available as an FE for a while), some are significantly lighter, and some are significantly faster (50/2.8 and 150/2.8). The "central" shutter is of course very good for studio flash and for fill flash use.


Hi Austin,
yes, I have the 2,0/110 FE and the 2,8/150 FE as well. But I traded my 2,8/80 F-lens for a CFE version because data bus contacts and central shutter were more important to me than the closer focus.

Hi Ulrik,

> But I traded my > 2,8/80 F-lens for a CFE version because data bus contacts and central > shutter were more important to me than the closer focus.

There is a 2.8/80 FE lense which obviously has the data contacts, that has the closer focus and is significantly lighter than the CFE. Obviously, no central shutter though.


I was always waiting for a PLANAR CFE 3,5/100 to come , but that never happened and will never happen . For me that is the most interesting lens , beside the MACRO-PLANAR CFE120 and the CFE180 .
I took some nice shots with the BIOGON CF4,5/38 + CFV back today . Also a very good combination .


Paul knows about my trouble with my F2,8/150 , which is at CARL ZEISS for repair .
But I had to learn , that ZEISS obviously has no repair shop , but a replace shop .
And they can obviously not even replace the aperture unit for that lens .
The outcome is open .

A very bad experience with CARL ZEISS .
I was always waiting for a PLANAR CFE 3,5/100 to come , but that never happened and will never happen . For me that is the most interesting lens , beside the MACRO-PLANAR CFE120 and the CFE180 .
I took some nice shots with the BIOGON CF4,5/38 + CFV back today . Also a very good combination .


Paul knows about my trouble with my F2,8/150 , which is at CARL ZEISS for repair .
But I had to learn , that ZEISS obviously has no repair shop , but a replace shop .
And they can obviously not even replace the aperture unit for that lens .
The outcome is open .

A very bad experience with CARL ZEISS .
I am sorry about that. I have a funny repair estimate from Zeiss that supports your idea of a "replace shop". Too bad as I have had also very nice contact with some people there. Some years ago I sent my 80 mm F-lens with sticky aperture to KN Studiotechnik for repair after the Zeiss offer had turned out to be absurd. They did a good job (and in contrast to the Zeiss people they did not diagnose that the shutter speeds were out of tolerance). But I guess you have contact to some competent repair people now.


I am very disapointed about the behaviour of CARL ZEISS , but I will give them a chance and wait till Mr. Bareike returns from holiday . He will then see what can be done , and if ZEISS can repair it .

What I believe in the moment is , that they will send the lens back to me , because they are unable to fix a problem on one of their products .

Is that CARL ZEISS ? ? ?

@ Jürgen
Even if they are unable to fix it you should be prepared to pay quite some money for the cost estimate (unable to replace anything estimate)

@ Austin
yes, a 2,8/80 FE lens would have been useful for the 203 FE also. But CFE lenses appeared to be cheaper secondhand. And if the battery dies on the 203FE I am not out of business because I can go on shooting with the lens shutter and the 203 just acting like a manual 500-series.


The cost estimate is 26,00€ , fixed. But I do believe , if they can't fix it , they should not charge me anything .

I have a PLANAR FE 2,8/80 and offered it for sale to a former collegue . He wanted to cut the price down , so far , that I decided to keep it . Good decision . Today , as my 203FE is modified for CFV usage , I have a "standard set" again .

I understand your dissapointment but selling new lenses is now probably more important to Carl Zeiss and Hasselblad.
The CFE 3.5/100 would have been my favourite lens too.
This will never happen with new developments that we know of now.

The last time the 150/2.8 FE lens was mentioned in the pricelist was in 2001.
The manufacturer has an obligation to service and supply parts at least 8 years after the last lens was sold.
That is apparently where it all ends now.

It gives independant repair companies a chance to fill the gap and service our lenses till we are to old to hold a camera.

Nice to have a sign of life from you . The 250 is back to his brothers and sisters and I will make a "family picture" soon .
As i said , I will wait for the outcome of CARL ZEISS's invetigation into my beloved , but ill lens , and then decide .
But as you can feel , it annoys me . And as i have a very long breath , the time where I get crazy about that issue , is not far away from today . Sorry for the emotions .

But , just to comfort myself , i will take that wonderful 250 in my hands . thanks again .
Jürgen Loob (Jotloob) wrote on June 18:

' 2007 - 7:59 pm,'


Is the aperture unit broken? What were the symptoms you encountered?

Keep in mind that independent repair folks typically are more in the "lets fix what we have" than the "lets replace the problematic sub-assembly". If only because independent folks are less likely to have a complete stock of spares to draw from.

But as I understand it Zeiss appears to no longer have the parts to fix your lens?

Or am I misinterpreting your posting?


NB: Zeiss charging some money for the investigation is not entirely unreasonable, it probably took some work for them to 'dig into' the lens to analyse the problem.

I hope the outcome is satisfactory for you. I am disappointed to learn about the Zeiss "replace shop". That does beg the question, if it is just a replace shop, then what is the purpose of estimating needed repairs.


I would be very surprised, and subsequently disappointed, if Zeiss charged for an estimate that results in them stating that they cannot repair an item.

If you are to pay for an "Estimate to Repair" and such Estimate results in the phrase "Unable to Repair", then you really don't have an Estimate for Repair, do you? In fact you don't even have an "Estimate"; you have a statement.
@ Jürgen,

I was surprised to find out you are the lucky owner of a rare 250/4 Carl Zeiss lens for 1600F and 1000F cameras.
It was a pleasure to bring this beautiful specimen back to live.

Maybe overhead and the desire for profit cut too deep at Carl Zeiss to service their products after years of use.
Unlike other manufacturers who take pride in older generation products and help clients to keep these in good working condition Carl Zeiss does not seem interested to offer this service.

Incorrect estimates can happen anywhere but quoting a job on a shutter for a lens that does not have a shutter seems way out of line.
It makes me wonder how reliable their quotations are.

@ Wilko,

Charging for a quotation when you are unable to repair the lens due to lack of parts is not correct.
In fact they should not even encourage people to send the lens to them as it is useless.
The 150/2.8 lens is probably older than the 8 years that gives them an obligation to service the lens.
I am lucky I saw dark clouds coming up just in time to buy obsolete stock for lenses. Parts are no problem to me.
@ Paul

According to Rick Nordin's compendium , there were only about 400
ZEISS OPTON SONNAR 4/250mm lenses produced . So you can really say "rare".
I am proud to own that lens and I am also very happy , that you could get it fixed for me .

As for my F SONNAR 2,8/150 , of course the people at CARL ZEISS know , that this lens has no shutter , but still the aperture unit is called a "shutter unit" .
The aperture does not open and close fast enough and does also not open wide enough , or if it does , it happens only very slow .

CARL ZEISS's responsible technician is currently in holiday , and I decided to wait for his return and wait for his report and/or comment .
given your description of symptons I am confident that repair is possible, probably not by Zeiss.

I once had an old silver 250 mm lens where the shutter did show intermittent problems. I asked Zeiss about the problem, described it and gave them the serial number of the lens. They asked me to send it to them. After it had arrived they told me that it was too old, that they could not repair it. They did not open the lens. But they charged their fee. For me this was unacceptable. They should have been able to tell by the serial number that they would not want to repair it. But what they offered me was to put the glass into a new barrel with a new shutter.

@ Ulrik,

The opposite happened to me.
I found an older silver barrel lens that was fitted with glass from a 250CFi lens.
I had some parts removed from this lens to repair another lens when it became clear that this was a rather special lens.
Now it is fully serviced and part of my collection.

@ Jürgen,

Please do not rub it in.
I already regret sending back this beauty.
I cannot guarantee it will happen next time you tempt me.
