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I am new here what lens use for portrait photography

Hi Jan,

A good cable release cord you can obtain from HAMA. I bought this one in Foto Skoda. On the picture you can see both ends of the cable.

Marc Williams (Fotografz) wrote on October 02:

' 2007 - 2:05 pm,Here is an option to consider in terms of lens selection. I frequently use the Planar 100/3.5 which is an exceptional lens in it's own right ... and add a 1.4X teleconverter to create the equivalent field of view of a 140/4.9 lens. '

Hi Marc, my favorite for my first HB lens is still 100/3,5.
Please which converter can I buy later. Is it not to much expensive? Can I use e.g. converter from Kenko producer?
Thank you, Jan.
Hi guys, I have finally my new toy in my hands.
I know everybody knows this thing.

I think it looks not bad, I was expected inferior condition.
The body looks nice for me


I made today this picture with my Nikon D80.

Also now I must find a good Back and lens.
My first lens, gah, I am a bit helpless.
I do not wish to throw a spanner into the works.
I have the CF T* 50mm f/4, CF T* 80mm f/2.8, CF T* 150mm f/4 and the CF T* 250mm f/5.6 lenses. They all take the B-60 size filters. I am very happy with this and my C503CX.

With such a minty condition camera I would recommend that you get lenses that are CF or later [CF, CFI, CFE] which would also have the T* lens coatings. Space out the focal lengths so that you get a good range of image sizes.

Start with any focal length you like and add the rest later. I started with the 250mm because that is what the camera store had in great condition at a price I was willing to pay.

> Thank you Zdenek, please what do you have for lens?

What would you recommend? I sent you my PM, maybe you did not receive it. I would like to ask you about the price of cord shutter. Thank you in advance.

-- > S pozdravem / Best regards > Jan Kratochvil

A cable release costs from € 10 to € 30, depending on how long it is, whether you can lock it or not, and quality.

But get a lens and back first.
Yes I will. But for me will be interesting your suggestion to this words bellow. As I wrote I would like to start with MF. I read some suggestions and ideas about this format generally. Lot of people like me do photos with digital cameras, this is known.

I asked also one photographer what opinion he has. I saw his photos on the internet taken with HB camera.

He wrote. _______________
My photo I think it was done with an 80mm from Hasselblad. Most of the MF cameras come with that one. I only have a 40mm, 80mm and 150mm in the MF. THe 150mm to be honest I have used it a couple of times only. For portraitures 80 would be cool and 40 would add some interesting effect to your vision

The problem forward, I live in Spain, developing MF is super expensive and disappearing. The digital backs are super expensive starting at 10k USD for 16MP my 5D is 13mp and was only 2.5k and the new Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III is 22mp and only 8k USD!! The 39MP digital back is 30k USD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I think I will sell all my Hassel stuff and go for the new Mark III in December. IF you interested let me know haha.

In other more serious matters, nothing beats the square format of Hassel and the detail it gives.

I do not want to buy a digital back, but his references about MF generally sounds for me not really optimistic. What is your opinion about MF future, will die out or MF has will still have something special what the digital photography has not?

I hope you understand my bad English. Thank you}
I have found many places to process the 120. Generally, color print cost less that black and white, at least in the US. Shop around, you will find some cost less than others. It also depends on the service and the quality of their work.

As far as the future ...
[take your pick]
You should live so long.
I have over 75 rolls of 120 film in the freezer.
I think MF will be around for a long time.

{Jan Kratochv�l (Flashmxfreak),Tuesday, October 09, 2007 - 2:36 pm,
> Thank you Zdenek, please what do you have for lens?

What would you recommend? I sent you my PM, maybe you did not receive it. I would like to ask you about the price of cord shutter. Thank you in advance.

-- > S pozdravem / Best regards > Jan Kratochvil}

Hi Jan,

I answered your mail instantly when received . Maybe it lost in cyber space.

I use Planar 2.8/80 cfe lens which is a part of 501cm kit. Of course, I think about another one. First I must work an save money.

I paid for my cord shutter about 600 CZK, but they have also cheaper.

You can read about Hass and me here:


> Thank you for answer Zdenek, I very appreciate it.

Well, I did not found how exactly works PM on this forum. I think PM is sen= t as an email and that is. I know from other forum PM message box, but I think this forum does not support it. Do you have any photo gallery? Maybe you can share your pictures with us
Regard Jan