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Hassey 500c. New to me.

Hi Charlie

External links to images are not allowed, because later on the links get broken and the whole discussion is useless. Photos have to be uploaded directly in the forum with the button above. Please do so with your last set of images. The other ones at the beginning of this thread I did for you already.

Thanks for your understanding

I have both books and I was just rereading all pages of these two books , but I can not fin *g* .
So please , what does *g* stand for ? ? ?


What is that book *g*

Can you please explain ? ? ?

"I am having problems trying to get it to mount on the camera itself. It just doesnt seem to 'connect.'"
"The lens may not be "cocked. Does the slot on the screw at the back of the lens line up with the red dot? Also order a copy of "The Hasselblad Manual" by E Wildi..4th or 5th edition..used on Amazon.

Buy the dam* book (Wildi)*grin* is about the only really good advice that I can give to new Hassy owners.
