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Hasselblad V Series Images

I thought I'd try to encourage members to post more images by starting this dedicated thread for our (recent?) Hasselblad V series images.

I hope the administrators here have no objections but if they do then obviously please feel free to delete.


Chios, Greece. 50mm CFi, Velvia 100, 1/60sec f11. Scanned on ancient Epson flatbed.
My first action shoot/shot with the CWD.

What do you think?


    100.9 KB · Views: 559
    100.9 KB · Views: 559
Keith and Christian,

Thanks for these images.

Keith the forum does not encourage links because after time these often proof to be out of order.
Thanks for uploading your image.


Is this guy trying to break all his bones or is this image the product of hard work with PS?


I understand your point of view regarding control over your images.
The idea from forum management is to prevent a site where lots of images are lost after time.

If for any reason you wish a post with images to be removed just mention it to me.


Both you and the skate boarder deserve my unlimited respect.
Sorry the thought of PS came up. The shot and the act from this skate boarder are exceptional.
Keep up the good work!

It's very interesting seeing the variety of work produced with the V series, both film and digital capture.


Chios, Greece. 80mm, Velvia 100, 1/30sec f11.
Hi Keith,

Amazing we have not yet found a Greek photographer who participates in the Calendar Project.
Judging by your images from Greece they have got it all!

Hi Keith,

Amazing we have not yet found a Greek photographer who participates in the Calendar Project.
Judging by your images from Greece they have got it all!


Thanks for the thought Paul, but for the moment I want to keep these and other similar images free from use.

The Calendar Project is very interesting and I wish all who participate in it much success.
Thanks for the thought Paul, but for the moment I want to keep these and other similar images free from use.

The Calendar Project is very interesting and I wish all who participate in it much success.

Keith, of course I understand and respect your decision.

I am truly amazed at the sight of these colorful images.
It surprises me that we do not have a Greek participant who sees these kind of subjects
as an excellent opportunity to participate in Jürgens Project.


Yes, it has temporarly taken the nick "my beauty" :) ,

she's luckily alright with that ;-)

Maybe I should call it "My precious ? :)