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Hasselblad SWC series in combination with digital backs


The older can not only be used with a digital back. It will give excellent IQ.
No doubt the results will be mind blowing.

Old does not mean less good.
In fact the first generation of Super Wides, the SWA and the SW. were fitted with Biogon lenses where several lens parts were made of differently composed glass.
These early Super Wides will beat the later ones by a small margin.

I have given up hope for a bigger square sensor , and I have the new CFII-39 in mind...


I gave up on the hope of a bigger square sensor some time ago and went with the H3D11. The results speak for themselves and I'm now selling off all of my remaining V series equipment.


Temptation to go for the h-system

I gave up on the hope of a bigger square sensor some time ago and went with the H3D11. The results speak for themselves and I'm now selling off all of my remaining V series equipment.


As I do not need AF for my work , I could resist the temptation to go for the H-SYSTEM , and I am 100% shure , nothing will change here in future .
But when I go for a CF39II back , I will be able to use all my wonderful CZ lenses , including the best WA lens ever built , the CZ BIOGON .
Nothing , but nothing can beat that lens .

I am still waiting for the special offer for the CFII-39 back , but there will be a decision in the coming week .

I will travel for a couple of days and on my return I will do some shots with the SWA + CFV back and also the SWA + the new EKTAR 100 film .

Here an image which is especially for you , and I would like you to comment .
It looks like a water color image when printed on HAHNEMÜHLE TORCHON paper .

View attachment 1325

Regards Jürgen
What a nice surprice.
I did not know the wonders of electrical power are available at my new forum headquarters.

Thank you Jürgen!
I gave up on the hope of a bigger square sensor some time ago and went with the H3D11. The results speak for themselves and I'm now selling off all of my remaining V series equipment.


We both have given up the hope for a bigger square sensor .
You have choosen the way into the HASSELBLAD H3DII System .
You have not let us know , which one .

I have ordered a CFII-39 back today . That enables me to use most of my V-SYSTEM lenses and even my two beautiful SWA/SW cameras .
As this back requires an ELD adapter to work with most V-SYSTEM cameras and also VIEW CAMERAS , I can modify that adapter to also attach my vintage super wides . It is only a little hole , which has to be drilled into the adapter plate . No loss of guarantee for the back .
That is , what I do like so much with the V-SYSTEM .
The compatibility .
