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Hasselblad SWC series in combination with digital backs

Hello all

With Hasselblad's advice in mind that the performance of the 38mm Biogon can be compromised when used with digital backs, I'd be very interested to hear of user's 'real world' experiences with the SWC series and digital backs and in particular 36x48 backs.


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That's new information for me Keith and I can say that I'm surprised and disappointed by it. I'm of the opinion that the output from the lens and back is superb, but I'm not measuring it with an electron microscope.

I suppose that with bigger backs it may become a problem, but with the cropped CFV, it's not been a concern.

There's not much information on the SWC/CFV combination, but it's a killer mix for hand holding. I'm shortly going to remove the extension on the tripod mounting plate so that I don't need the L shaped battery mount which will make it much easier to hold.



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Hi Gary,

No need to be disappointed.
I do not say Hasselblad is incorrect but in practical use the problem is not as bad as it looks.
You are right that the reduced size of the CFV is to be considered.

In fact the problem arises from the reduced distance between the rear lens of the SWC and the sensor surface.
This means the angle of the light at the edges of the sensor is quite small compared with bodies that use a mirror.
Sensors perform best when light reaches them at 90° angle.

So far even larger sensors than the CFV have given no real problems when used with SWC cameras.

Some manufacturers even state the SWC optics are no match for their sensors.
These guys have got their arithmetic all wrong.
The SWC outperforms any digital back on the market right now!

Your images are proof of a good marriage between the SWC and the CFV digital back.

Hi Gary

Good to hear and see that you're enjoying the CFV/SWC combination.

I'd be looking to use the SWC with film and in the future with a 36x48 back. I'd imagine if there was any problem it would be more likely to show up on the larger sensor. Just trying to find out as much as I can before I put my hand in pocket for the 903/905.

Good shooting to you.

Hi Gary

Good to hear and see that you're enjoying the CFV/SWC combination.

I'd be looking to use the SWC with film and in the future with a 36x48 back. I'd imagine if there was any problem it would be more likely to show up on the larger sensor. Just trying to find out as much as I can before I put my hand in pocket for the 903/905.

Good shooting to you.



You know , that I am a 905SWC + CFV BACK shooter and that I am very pleased with this combination .

There are quite some threads available in this forum , discussing the SWC + CFV back combination and their resulting images .

Steve Vandevantersh has shown use many very good images with an SWC and CFV BACK .
As I use a CFV BACK , which has not found your interest so far , I can not add anything more than I have done to the other threads .
Also , I can not remember any thread , where a member of this forum shoots with a V-SYSTEM and a CF39 back .
The reason might be , that HASSELBLAD's price policy for the CF39 is a fake . They are not really interested in selling a CF39 to V-SYSTEM users .
The price is far , far too high .

So , if there is anyone out there using a V-SYSTEM camera and a CF39 , please come up and report your experiences .
The CF39 is an interesting device for me too , but not at that price , and I will never ever go for an H-SYSTEM . All V-SYSTEM lenses are so extremely good , that I do not see a need to buy a new system and new lenses .

Waiting for CF39 + SWC user reports ! ! !

Just trying to find out as much as I can before I put my hand in pocket for the 903/905.

You'll have to cut through that pocket's triple stitching first, Keith !! LOL

Certainly not disappointed with the results from the SWC/CFV combo, in fact I'm delighted.

For me, the SWC+203+503+CFV with film/Imacon scanner option places me firmly in Photographer's Heaven. What else could a gentleman need ?



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For me, the SWC+203+503+CFV with film/Imacon scanner option places me firmly in Photographer's Heaven. What else could a gentleman need ?



I am very pleased to hear what you say . The same is valid for me too .
Thank you very much .

Guys, from what I've seen, and some here have been kind enough to supply me with files, the CFV/SWC combination is exemplary.

Really, I'm looking at film and the 39MP backs to make the most of the Biogon's FOV and obviously for the greater pixel count.

Thanks and best to all.


Please be aware , that the ELD adapter has to be screwed on to the back of the camera by 4 screws . That means , no quick change between film magazine and digital back .
Unfortunately , the CF39-II back , is not as easy to attach as the CFV back .
I do not see a problem with a second 50X body , where you leave the adapter screwed on all the time . These bodies are easy to get for decent prices . But a good SWC as a second wide angle body , will cost quite some money . Also a second ELD adapter is not quite cheap . Currently around 890€ (new) here in Germany . Additional , in all cases you will have to use the sync (flash) cable .
You can see , that there are some other obstacles to get into digital heaven .
Hi Jürgen

Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but nevertheless really informative. As you say the 'real world' practicalities really do need to be considered.

It could be that I'll have to think again, possibly still get the 903/905 for use with film and possibly add a stand-alone digital capture solution in the future.

I was really looking for a 500/903 based solution, but it seems to be over-complicated.

Many thanks

OK folks, I've been soaking in the bath thinking about this and came up with the thought that the adapter difficulties are really to do with the Hasselblad CF backs. What about a Phase One P45 in V fit? Would this be a solution to the problems?

Just a couple of hand held travel "snap-shots" taken over the past 24 hours. SWC+CFV...White Sands NM and Joshua Tree NP, CA. All three shot at infinity, not a good as focus stacking, but pretty good DOF.



Hello Keith

According to David Grover from HASSELBLAD , the ELD adapter is screwed on to the CF39-II back and not to the camera(s) .

I have been rereading the paragraph "working with multiple cameras" in the HASSELBLAD CF DIGITAL PDF and I find it not very clearly expressed , that the adapter is screwed on to the back and not to the camera .
Sorry for confusion .

But still , a second generation CFV BACK with a bigger sensor , would be the best solution for the many many V-SYSTEM users out there .
Thanks Steve for posting your SWC/CFV images .
I am always afraid of damaging my camera when shooting sand dunes , as this happened once to me in France .
How do you prevent that ? ? ?

OK folks, I've been soaking in the bath thinking about this and came up with the thought that the adapter difficulties are really to do with the Hasselblad CF backs. What about a Phase One P45 in V fit? Would this be a solution to the problems?



I have been doing similar research . I have given up hope for a bigger square sensor , and I have the new CFII-39 in mind , which only requires an ELD adapter for use with most V-SYSTEM cameras and also LF view cameras .
As my ARCASWISS 6x9 is equiped with an V-SYSTEM adapter , this seems to be the best way for me , to use the V-SYSTEM with a bigger sensor than the CFV and also use my LF camera with that 39MP back . One big advantage for me is , that I can use the same workflow , from capture to the final image .

Here an image of two cameras , where you could attach the CFII-39 to .
To the left an "old beauty" born in 1954 and the latest member of that family , born in 2002 .
48 years are between them , but still the older one can be used in modern times with digital gear .

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