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Hasselblad Ring Flash


New Member
Hi, can any one tell me where can I get a manual for the hasselblad ring flash?

And does any one knows if this flash works with the 500C?

There does not seem to be a manual available on the internet.

At the time this unit was available it was often used with a Braun generator.
These generators must all be extinct now so the best solution to power this ringflash is a Metz generator from the 60 series.
You will need a cable from Metz and a connector set or an original connector from Tuchel to connect the generator and the ringflash.
The ring flash can be used with lenses that have a baj. 50 or the 67 mm thread from the 50 and 60 mm C lenses.

The ringflash is an independant part of the system and will work with any camera that takes lenses from the C series.
So there is no problem to use the flash with a 500C.
I will recieve one this week. I wunder how it works ...if it works !

However I have 70mm diameter lenses too.

It seems that a Metz 60 with the needed cord will help. Hard to find any info about this on the net.
I hope I can use it in Manual Mode (partial power)

My goal is not for macro but to use it with the D-40 and get softer shadow for portrait.
There were two ways to power the ring flash made by a German company.
A generator from the Metz 402 series and a generator from a Braun torch.
Braun also had a special adapter to give half power when using the Braun generator.
With other generators the ring flash will always deliver full power.

The ring flash has 67 mm thread that will allow use of the 60, 50 and 38 mm C lenses. With adapter also bay. 50 lenses can be used.
The kit from the German manufacturer also contains a diffuser that will soften the output of this unit.
That diffuser was not supplied by Hasselblad.

The easiest way to power the ring flash now is by using a generator from the CT 60 flash.
Get an extra cord that connects the generator to the Metz torch.
Cut of the plug at the torch side and fix the female part of any solid connector pair suitable to carry 300-400 volt at the cable end.
Remove the plug fitted to the ring flash and connect the male part of the connector pair.
That is the safest way to connect the ring flash to the generator.
The "Tuchel" plugs originally fitted to the ring flash are difficult to find

I have used the ring flash quite often. Mine came from a dentist who recorded extensive restorations he performed on patients teeth with it.
He changed from Hasselblad to a Nikon camera with the special medical Nikkor lens that had an integrated ring flash.
I wonder if the Metz or Braun give only generator or if they have the condo build inside.
Is there a condo in the Hasselblad ring flash ?

How about to find a "Metz 45 type", disconect the flash bulb and conect the "ring flash bulb". This way it should be possible to control the flash power.
Both Braun and Metz generators give full power. They are in no way controlled.
The Braun generator does offer the option of half power with a special intermediate connector.

I strongly advise against modifying a Metz 45 unit.
The output of these ring flashes is modest to start with.
Maximum power is 250 WS about GN 40 with the tube fitted to the standard refelector.
Most generators will not give this kind of output.
The GN drops to 22 till about 30 with smaller generators

This ring flash is a nice option to make images with low amount of shadow.
With the diffusor it can also serve as a fill in flash. The output is reduced by 1 stop in that case.


Left to right:
Hasselblad ring flash (PK model UR 130Z), PK model 110Z
top left PK B 20 generator, adapter ring to fit 50 mm bay.

These units were produced in Köln by Paffrath & Kemper Gmbh.


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There does not seem to be a manual available on the internet.

At the time this unit was available it was often used with a Braun generator.
These generators must all be extinct now so the best solution to power this ringflash is a Metz generator from the 60 series.
You will need a cable from Metz and a connector set or an original connector from Tuchel to connect the generator and the ringflash.
The ring flash can be used with lenses that have a baj. 50 or the 67 mm thread from the 50 and 60 mm C lenses.

The ringflash is an independant part of the system and will work with any camera that takes lenses from the C series.
So there is no problem to use the flash with a 500C.

Wasn't the first ringflash for either a Braun or a Metz 402 generator? I still have a 402 (maybe more than one) here at home..

Both Braun and Metz generators were used in the days these ring flashes were available new.

The only advantage is they were supplied with suitable connecting cables with either a large or a small "Tuchel" connector.
To save users a long search for those cables to be able to use these older generators I recommend fitting
a new pair of suitable connectors and the use of a 60CT generator.

The smaller unit in the picture is unused.
I found it at a camera fair in Belgium. It is the first unit that came complete with its own generator.
A nice small ring flash excellent for use with a 120 mm S-Planar.
This unit is also suitable for Leica R lenses and comes with a set of adapter rings.

The power is not my priority. This ringflash is interesting (for me) outside to mix with natural light. For fill-in only.
I have both manuals for the ring flash:
The one from Hasselblad and the one from the manufacturer of the ring flash.

The Hasselblad ring flash is suitable for lenses with series VIII filter mount or 67 thread i.e. C 50 mm and C 60 mm.
The 38 mm lens of older SWC cameras does not seem a logical choice for a ring flash.

With adapter 40053 lenses with bayonet 50 can be used.
This adapter was fitted to the ring flash when the units were sold new.

The easiest way to control output of the ring flash is the use of a diffuser.
I recieved the ring flash yesterday...with the manual. The manual is not realy usefull. For a 250Ws Hasselblad estimate at 20m the Guide number.

The wire look like an old "philips" plug. No idea what is plus /minus and trigger.

I opened the box: only 2 wires are used for the Hight Voltage plug (one braun one blue) the triger circuit is inside the box connected to the wire that goe to the lens. That's why no modulation of power is possible by a cell. It only take full power from "generator". It may be possible to use only the flash bulb of the ringflash connected to a external flash without bulb (like the later tweens macro flashs build by Metz for Hasselblad)

I got the flash without aditional adapters. I watch the B and of course any ring-adapter cost twice the flash value.
No difuser included, but 20m is not so much.
There is an "adapter" I removed and the central hole now allow me to pass with a B70mm (exactly) filter. So a DIY solution is possible for my 110mm lens. ... but the 110mm realy need a hood.
When I remove the "adapter" the protectiv glass fall down.

Now I need B70 filters with broken glass and time to adapt a Metz-45 or old Rollei torch flash.
Can you tell which of the wires is the power and which is the neutral? I have tried to marry the flash to the ct60 and have had no success.

Trying to determine which of the wires goes to which of the CT60 cables. There are three wires in the CT60 cable but only two in the Ringflash cable.

Any ideas as to which wires go to which wires?

Thank you

Can you tell which of the wires is the power and which is the neutral? I have tried to marry the flash to the ct60 and have had no success.

Trying to determine which of the wires goes to which of the CT60 cables. There are three wires in the CT60 cable but only two in the Ringflash cable.

Any ideas as to which wires go to which wires?

Thank you


Sounds like your ringflash is/was intended for a Metz 402. That one has the middle "plastic finger" of the connector unused, it does not have a connector pin in there. The two outside pins of the 402 carry the power.

BE CAREFUL, the DC voltages on this stuff are more than sufficient to kill you.

Three wires seems strange to me too.
I have succesfully made a connection between the CT 60 generator and the ring flash using two wires only.

Are you sure the tube in the flash is in working order?
Three wires seems strange to me too.
I have succesfully made a connection between the CT 60 generator and the ring flash using two wires only.

Are you sure the tube in the flash is in working order?

I think wire #3 (the middle one) is supplying low-voltage DC for all the electronics housed in the 60CT4 flashhead.

Not unlike the D40 which needs its batteries in the flashhead itself, even when supplied with high-voltage DC from the optional external generator.

Polypal, which two wires did you use? Black to black and blue to blue? I also have a cable for a 402 which I will try. That one does have two wires. Since I assume the 60 was not yet available when this ringflash was made it was wired for the two wire flash.

Of course it is possible that the flash bulb is shot, but it looks good.

My bigger concern is if miswired it could damage the battery pack.

I am not concerned about the danger as I have worked with high voltage equipment and know how to handle it safely. I have personally discharged a capacitor into my finger and it was quite interesting to say the least. Similar to being banged by a tazer.

Thanks for all your input, perhaps between us we can figure out a way to bring these ringlights back to life....
I am not concerned about the danger as I have worked with high voltage equipment and know how to handle it safely. I have personally discharged a capacitor into my finger and it was quite interesting to say the least. Similar to being banged by a tazer.

You can skip the next appointment with your cardiologist. Your hart is in excellent condition :)
It looks like ring flashes are best left to the real brave at hart.

This cable thing was over four years ago and I can not remember what colours or wires I used.

Not even the faintest idea how I managed to connect the ring flash.
It worked straight away. I did not alter any connection later.
Pictures and details will follow tomorrow.