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Hasselblad handheld

With my 60mm I use 1/125 or shorter. Of course 1/60 is possible but when the picture is great and then I decide to blow up.... it's a shame that I did'nt use 1/250 !

BTW I realy like the pistol grip I modifief to carry a Metz 45 flash but even without flash its' hard to use it at low speed. The gravty center of the heavy camera is uper ; so the stability is poor. The same with my heavy PME prisme. To get more stability, the gravity center should be as low as possible.

Once I fixed a tripod under the camera and hold them together. The best position to hold it is when there is no balancing at all. IE the same weight up and down. With it the results were good at lower speed.

Now I have a new problem: I have a fine like new FE 150mm 2.8. and to get sharp pictures the flash helps a lot; but the minimal speed for F lens with flash is 1/90. So portrait outside with the help of flash is full of compromises. At 1/90 it will not be so sharp and the flash give inproved sharpness where natural light is weak.

Perhaps it's safer to use only 50mm 2.8 and the heavy 110mm 2.0 for mixed lights

Once I made test of a Leica lens: I shoot a garden with trees as we have in Geneva. Then I did not understand why the quality was soo poor on red-orange parts when I was at f: 8. Then I understand that "allmost dead" leafs on tree in automne need more than 1/250 to be shoot on windy days ! Even if the wind is weak.
Hi blowupster,

mentioning flash, this reminds me that most of the PR work we shot in the 70'/80's was with fill in flash. We were trained to do this so it became second nature. The difference between not using a flash and using one is significant especially noted in the detail of clothing material. May be this will help with the sharpness and any unwanted movement. best wishes, Carl
Hi blowupster,

The difference between not using a flash and using one is significant especially noted in the detail of clothing material. May be this will help with the sharpness and any unwanted movement. best wishes, Carl

Absolutely. I remember back in the '70's and early '80's when I did weddings with a 500CM doing the same thing. I could pretty much shoot an entire wedding indoors with one setting - 1/15th second @ f 5.6 with fill flash. I could never get by with 1/15th second without a flash. My wedding days are long past, as is my hand holding days.
Michael H. Cothran