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Hasselblad H2F: Users Report


Active Member
Well dear friends, I still shoot film despite an array of digital options, so here's my take on the H2F

As I had a bunch of spare parts left over from various deals and promotions while building my H digital system, (2 film backs, a spare 90X viewfinder, and a second CF adapter) ... so I was only missing a body to hang them on. Enter the H2F. My original intention was to complete a full camera and sell it to recover the price of the additional parts I had.

The H2F is similar to the now discontinued H2 except, to quote Hasselbald Technical Info: "further developments in Hasselblad’s UltraFocus technology and breakthroughs in component availability and manufacturing has allowed Hasselblad to expand the functionality of H2F to a level of digital functionality not possible with the former H2, including digital capture with Hasselblad’s unique wide-angle HCD 28mm lens."

Now I may get a 22 meg "9X9 Micron fat Pixel" Multi-Shot digital back for this camera because of the results from the "fat Pixel" CFV.

In the meantime, I gave it a spin while on Holiday recently, mailed off 3 rolls of 120 B&W, and received one roll back on Saturday ... I ran to the scanner !!!!

I LOVED shooting it. it was refreshing. After a few glances at the back out of habit from shooting digital : -) I settled down to my old ways like shooting film with my old Contax 645. No distractions, just shoot.

This is a wonderful 645 camera, very responsive, big bright viewfinder, easy to load film ... honestly I didn't miss the LCD at all ... but I've shot film for so long that I've rarely been insecure about getting results. I even enjoyed the anticipation of getting film back, like waiting for my decoder ring to come from sending in Wheaties box tops.

On this trip I mostly used the H/C 50/3.2 ... however, on my next outing will take some Zeiss lenses mounted via the CF adapter. For manual focus lenses, the H2F provides in-viewfinder focus confirmation which I've found very helpful in lower light especially with wide angle lenses and teles close up.

Here are a few humorous candid shots of our little Chi Schnuffy from the first roll out of the H2F: I'll leave the captions to your imagination : -)


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Hello Marc,

I do not think so!
I shoot a lot of film but I am just too lazy to scan the negatives.

My interest is back again with the F series lenses.
I used the latest version of the 50 mm FE and the 150FE last Sunday at a meeting in Bavaria.

Just waiting for the prints.

Watch the V section for more news about a special lens.

50 & 150 FE ... two of my all time favorites.

I just bought 10 mailers for 120 color film... if forces the issue : -)

I like scanning. It's so counter to the wham bam of digital. You pick what to scan carefully.

I am also shooting with film , although I do not like scanning very much .
All images (except one) for my junkyard calender for 2008 were taken with film .
Currently my favourite film is the KODAK E100VS .

Marc, thanks for the review. I am somewhat surprised to see the quote you referred to as to the H2F being more advanced than the H2 in terms of its use with digital backs since I thought that the H2F was a film-only camera (and had been proposed as a simplified H2 by Hasselblad). What am I missing here?
Marc, thanks for the review. I am somewhat surprised to see the quote you referred to as to the H2F being more advanced than the H2 in terms of its use with digital backs since I thought that the H2F was a film-only camera (and had been proposed as a simplified H2 by Hasselblad). What am I missing here?

I believe Marc may be referring to the fact that a Hasselblad CF digital back (not CFV) will work on the H2F and be able to take advantage of the 28mm HCD lens, as well as some other features that are not available to it on the H2 body.

Steve Hendrix
I believe Marc may be referring to the fact that a Hasselblad CF digital back (not CFV) will work on the H2F and be able to take advantage of the 28mm HCD lens, as well as some other features that are not available to it on the H2 body.

Steve Hendrix

Exactly Steve.
So, bottom line of all this: the H2F does not only work with film backs but also with Hasselblad CFH backs, but not with third parties' digital backs (in contrast to the H2). Right?
If so, it would have been good for Hasselblad to mention this compatibility in their H2F product sheet...
So, bottom line of all this: the H2F does not only work with film backs but also with Hasselblad CFH backs, but not with third parties' digital backs (in contrast to the H2). Right?
If so, it would have been good for Hasselblad to mention this compatibility in their H2F product sheet...

Here's a clue in Hasselblad's H2F PDF from their website:

"Further developments in Hasselblad's Ultra Focus technology and breakthroughs in component availability and manufacturing has allowed Hasselblad to expand the functionality of H2F to a level of DIGITAL fuctionality not possible with the former H2, including DIGITAL capture with Hasselblad's unique HDC 28mm lens."

It seems Hasselblad is not pushing the CF backs in favor of the totally integrated cameras (which, BTW, others are now also offering: see the new Sinar Hy65 with a dedicated back and totally integrated system.)

I also know that Phase One is working on "cracking" the firmware on the H2F so their backs can be used on it. I also assume that Sinar backs will work using their current system of adapters, but am not sure of that.

I am currently hunting down the now discontinued CF/22 back for use on this camera ... specifically to use with 500 series lenses. I like the look of 9X9 micron sensors with the Zeiss lenses (like the CFV.)
50 & 150 FE ... two of my all time favorites.

I just bought 10 mailers for 120 color film... if forces the issue : -)

I like scanning. It's so counter to the wham bam of digital. You pick what to scan carefully.

The 50FE is total surprise for me. The quality is excelent and BTW it's a "macro lens for portrait".
On the barel it's writen 32cm from the film for minimum distance, so it mean about 10cm in front of the lens; realy amasing
The focussing of the 150mm is too long I realy prefer the 110mm for portrait. I don't know why I never use my excelent 180mm.

I can't justify the CFV prize for my use, So film is a good solution for me and Canon Leica for digital is OK until...fotokina (?)
After a long time of "digital only" I "rediscovered" film. I prefer the quality of films.

I use fuji velvia 100 asa and the new T-max 400; no scaner anymore so no HAsselblad pictures to show on the net.
The 50FE is total surprise for me. The quality is excelent and BTW it's a "macro lens for portrait".
On the barel it's writen 32cm from the film for minimum distance, so it mean about 10cm in front of the lens; realy amasing
The focussing of the 150mm is too long I realy prefer the 110mm for portrait. I don't know why I never use my excelent 180mm.

I can't justify the CFV prize for my use, So film is a good solution for me and Canon Leica for digital is OK until...fotokina (?)
After a long time of "digital only" I "rediscovered" film. I prefer the quality of films.

I use fuji velvia 100 asa and the new T-max 400; no scaner anymore so no HAsselblad pictures to show on the net.

Bummer ... you need to post photos!!!!!!!!

We must be fed.

Our eyes are hungry.

Please get a cheap flatbed ... plenty good for sub one meg internet uploads.

Please provide for our starving minds.

My 35mm digital solutions have been put in perspective. Sold one M8 and all my Canon DSLR gear. Replaced the Canon with Nikon and Zeiss ZF optics with lots of money left over to give my wife for house projects ... because I do not want my home to end up in Jurgen's calender : -)
Marc is right, as photographers images are our lifeblood. Perhaps we need a thread dedicated to our (recent?) Hasselblad images.

He is also right about scanners, no need for anything more exotic than a cheap flatbed for most uploads. All of my images are scanned on an ancient Epson flatbed before deciding whether to drumscan or not.

I'll start a thread in the V series section (perhaps someone would also like to start a similar thread in the H series section)entitled "Hasselblad V series Images" and see if there is any desire on the part of members here to contribute, you never know, it might be the kick-start this forum needs and deserves?

Best to all

Marc is right, as photographers images are our lifeblood. Perhaps we need a thread dedicated to our (recent?) Hasselblad images.

He is also right about scanners, no need for anything more exotic than a cheap flatbed for most uploads. All of my images are scanned on an ancient Epson flatbed before deciding whether to drumscan or not.

I'll start a thread in the V series section (perhaps someone would also like to start a similar thread in the H series section)entitled "Hasselblad V series Images" and see if there is any desire on the part of members here to contribute, you never know, it might be the kick-start this forum needs and deserves?

Best to all


Yes !!!!!
Mark is right.

This forum is beginning to be bloodless without pictures to spike the posts.
We have chosen not to set up a gallery but to post pictures whenever they
can proof a point or simply for fun.
So whenever you feel the need to proof a point or simply want to show us what you got please do so.

Bummer ... you need to post photos!!!!!!!!

We must be fed.

Our eyes are hungry.

Please get a cheap flatbed ... plenty good for sub one meg internet uploads.

Please provide for our starving minds.

My 35mm digital solutions have been put in perspective. Sold one M8 and all my Canon DSLR gear. Replaced the Canon with Nikon and Zeiss ZF optics with lots of money left over to give my wife for house projects ... because I do not want my home to end up in Jurgen's calender : -)

Yes, absolutely. It is always better to bicker about images than it is to bicker about bits & bytes.

Sometimes I want to be the fly on the wall of your photographic kit supplier. You must be their dream customer by now (tongue in cheek,
lots of :z04_975:and all that)

Mind you, I am also suffering from the habit. Went to sell some HB kit (like 1 of my 50mm lenses), came back with gorgeous CF50 FLE. I simply could not resist the temptation.. :z04_sabber: So, as a result, I now have even more surplus to sell, like 2 50mm lenses instead of one. Ah well, patience is a virtue, at some point I will get it sorted.

I'll go over my recent shots to see what I can post. I think I have some night-shots of Barcelona worthy of posting.


You have a vast knowledge of what works and what doesn't work. As an experienced photographer with access to the very best equipment, you are probably the best person to give sound and most probably direct answers to questions asked of you.

I use my Contax 645 system as my do-all AF MF system. I am not a professional such as you do depends on his equipment to bring in his bread and butter.

I do agree that speed & QUALITY is of the upmost importance to delivering a good product to their clients.

I recently shot a wedding and a Wedding Vow Renewal of some close friends. No money or fees was asked, just my time out of friendship.

I realize that the Contax 645 is too slow in AF, it wanders too much in dark settings. in daylight , no problem except I would love to have the leaf shutter settings.

I am highly disappointed at the slow and sluggish speed of the AF and fixed shutter speed of 1/125 as being the top speed. The lenses, I find to be excellent and on par with my Hasselblad V lenses. No digital MF back as the cost is still too high and I can't recoup my initial cost in it. So for now, I scan in my negatives and postives on a Creo/Scitex Eversmart scanner. Max dpi is 3175, good enough for my current needs.

Now wha tmy question is leading up to, which H system would allow me the most bang for my bucks for current & eventually future needs?

I would of course buy the CF lens adapter to help bridge me over till I can acquire more lenses. I was looking at the H1 (have it converted over to H2), or goe directly to a H2. At least this way, I can have future options of looking at a good used digital back when prices fall abit.The H2F looks very promising, but however the total cost when i put together a working kit would cost me a bundle.

What would you suggest for someone who is at this crossroad?

Thanks in advance,

Am I the only one interested in shooting film anymore?
Evan you pointed the question at Marc.
Nevertheless I would like to mention the coming arrival of the Leica S2 camera.

What I have seen sofar that camera is a photographers dream concept.
Excellent lenses, perfect handling, 37 Mp and all for a very affordable price.
Leica will spend whatever it takes to make the S2 camera a succes

For those who are not aware of it, Leica was bought by a succesful German industrial
who has the means to make a succes of this new product.
The M8 cameras design plans were not even dry when work on the S2 started.
This ambitious scheme is not the only thing Leica R&D is working on.
The new R10 is also past the first design stages.
A strong rumour is heard it will be presented together with the S2 or shortly after
the introduction of the S2.

It does not take much imagination that all manufacturers of MF camera systems are
watching closely what is happening in Solms where Leica is situated now.
