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FUC The Kodak Ektar 135mm parade

Hi Paul--

I must second your suggestion that this new software is not very successful. I still have to Log In every tiime that I come back to look at the forum even if I tick the remember me box. Very agrivating indeed. It has caused me to only look at the forum once or twice a day.

Hi Jurgen--

Good to see that you are back on the forum. My I must say that your new glass cabinet and especially its contents are simply mouth watering. Paul had best carefully watch your acquisitions or you will creep up on his vast collection.


Hello Don,

Logging in once or twice a day is not all that bad.
Keep in mind automatic log in is only possible if your computer stores "cookies" and does not erase them as you might switch off the system.
I had the same problem but that was some time ago.
It is no longer there without any change in set up at my end.

I noticed while I was on the phone with Jürgen that the forum server is pretty slow.
It takes more than a minute to actualise a newly chosen thread.
I will report this and the thing about small images to Dirk.
He has to find a solution, this is very irritating.
It starts to look like photo.... a while ago.

Jürgen used his persuasive power to "confiscate" my SWA camera while I visited him at the beginning of this week.
It was a surprise visit because we were supposed to meet in Strassburg on Sunday.
Jürgen could not make it so I drove from Strassburg to Algäu and the beautiful city Sonthofen where he lives.

Please do not zebra paint a HASSELBLAD again . I am shure , I will suffer a heart attac .


Hello Jürgen,
oh, there is a lot of potential for blackmail :z04_9856:.

Be always nice to me or I might follow the idea of producing a fake-Kiev using a Hasselblad 1000F (as an alternative to producing a fake-Zorki 1 by sacrificing a Leica II).:rofl:

FUC fever attacks

Hello Ulrik,

I know fever can do strange things to people but with you it seems to have extraordinairy effects.
Please take your medicine so these sudden attacks of wishes to mix perfect cameras with ultimately inferior products stop.

I wish you a fast recovery for the sake of all those who love great cameras.

I know once you come to your senses you are probably ashamed of the indecent suggestions you made.
This can be compensated for by finding Jürgen a nice SWA camera.
I do not hold a grudge but I have a good memory.

Hello Paul,
I already feel better now (and could not find K...- or S...-nameplates either in my spare parts bin). Of course my eyes are open for a good SWA for Jürgen. I still feel guilty that I grabbed one that he already had an eye on.

Hello Ulrik,

I am glad the use of medicine is clearly showing an improvement in your condition.
In love and war all methods are allowed. I think I can add camera hunt to those activities. :z04_hinterherjagen:

You seem to have a good method to scan the internet for rare items.
I must thank you for finding the excellent 60 mm Distagon in France.
It makes my collection of Carl Zeiss lenses nearly complete.

Moin Paul,
it is a pity that the gap in our Zeiss collection is the same. But with combined efforts...

Greetings, Ulrik
Hello Ulrik,

That gap can be filled easier than you think.
I know we have a member in the FUC who is the lucky owner of not less than 5 of these lenses.
That is a clear violation of FUC rules.

It should not be too difficult to end this violation by confiscating at least two lenses...... :z04_kommmalherfreun

...I still have to Log In every tiime that I come back to look at the forum even if I tick the remember me box. Very agrivating indeed. It has caused me to only look at the forum once or twice a day.

Hi Jurgen--

Hi Don,

pleas post any problems in the help/suggestion area. Otherwise we can not make sure to act as quickly as we would like too. Also with looking at that section you can check, whether there is already a solution for your problem.

Regarding your login problem: This was discussed in the mentioned help/suggestion section already. It is a browser cookie issue and not a problem of the software:

In the future we have to ignore technical problems only described within a random thread, because it is impossible for us to screen all forums in a timely manner for hints to problems.

We have created this section specifically for your hints, problems and suggestions in each forum, so please use it also for this:

This is addressed to the moderator


Can you please explain , why the images posted , although they meet the specs , have become so small ? ? ?
Am I doing something wrong here ? ? ? Do I have to set some parameters , which might have changed ? ? ?


Hi Jürgen,

we upgraded to the newest version of this forum software. there are a few new features. Among others is the way images are displayed. It is now a 400 Pixel thumbnail and when you click once on it, it opens in a so called "lightbox" function up to 1200x1200

Other new features in your profile for example are availabel too. Read the help/suggestion section for this please.

Best wishes to both of you

P.S.: Every registered user in this forum has gotten a personal e-mail from us on November 4th and 5th, mentioning the upgrade and with a link to the thread where the new features can be discussed.
Hi Jürgen,

please pay attention when you are naming your images. Fullstop in the name should not be used except at the end for the format declaration i.e.

instead of




Or use underscores instead, if you need the seperation, i.e.




Then this will be fine with every computer and every server ;)

It can happen that those images get otherwise corrupted on the server after uploading.
