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Epson Perfection V 750M Pro

Atanas, film holders are very quality determinant actually(a long with hight adjusters). THANKS for posting the URL.
John Strain, Looking forward to the tests; THANKS.
Your test made me depressed for a while
( )
I thought my test findings are not in any way comparable to your test, until I realised that I did not read the information @ the top of the page
. When I knew that I was comparing my 35mm results with your MF results, I could not resist LOL.
I realy appreciate submitting your test here. THANKS Soooooooo MUCH.
It looks to me that I can not get maximum quality from my scanner.
I'm using PS7, Import, SelverFast Epson(32Bit)with "reset options".
For the hard to scan transparencies, I found EPSON SCAN better than the SelverFast.
The results(photos) of your test are so clean for 3200DPI and night scene. Do you think using film holder with the option "Film(with Film Area Guide)" is better than the recommended option, ie: "Film(with Film Holder)" ? THANKS again Farines.
My results are following:

Original 36X24mm.

100% of 4800DPI(Max Optical Resolution).

100% of 12800DPI(Interpolated Resolution).
Sorry, the site did not accept photos larger than 130KB.
Thanks all. Good Luck.
First image is the original 36X24mm Kodak 100 VS.
Seconed Image is 100% of 4800DPI(Max Optical Resolution).
Third Image is 100% of 12800DPI(Interpolated Resolution).
Thanks ATANAS,
I'm loading now a free trial.
Freeb trial here ------>
I do not know if it is compatible with V750M Pro since the scanner is new.
I can get up to A3 size print from 35mm from this scanner with excellent quality. But what mad me feeling that I'm not getting the best of my scanner is the clean photos of Jean-Luc. Even cleaner than Vincent Oliver scans. See please -------> .
Vuesca83.exe is about to finish downloading ATANAS, thanks again.
Vuescan is said to be the best software. Also you can try adjusting the height of the holder until you get better results or use the wet mount.
My WINDOWS XP warned me because the free trial has unidentified origin. I also searched ADORAMA & AMAZON for VUESCAN SOFTWARE, but I could not find it. B&H has power outage !!!
Can this SOFTWARE be purchased from any market ?
Thanks ATANAS.
> I saw that earlier today as well. Guess the heat overpowered the > electrical supply. I was thinking of ordering some extra film too....
I read a test a while ago of Vuescan which said it was great with flatbeds but produced soft scans with film scanners. I can't remember where the test was.

It may have improved now especially as the tester said that Ed Hamrick always takes note of criticisms.

The V750 is a flat bed but we are interested in scanning film on it so I suppose that Vuescan would be alright anyway as the V750 is a flat bed but it just raises a query in my mind since film is being scanned on it.
Hi Jean-Luc,

Thank you for posting the test result. That is very impressive and it is interesting that you used Epson's own software.
Its compatible even with V750Mpro. Frome some reviews I read, it is(i.e:Vuescan)more specific for NEGATIVEs, and can do what other software could not. I could not install the free version, my widows keeps warning me
The V750Mpro scanner is true 4000DPI at least.
Thanks all. Appreciate every contribution here.

Would simply ignoring the warning not help?

That Windows does not know the origin of the software... As you probably know, Windows is not something to measure other things against.
You however do know the origin. And it's your (not Window's) computer. So...