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Disadvantage to have Fuji lenses instead of Zeiss


I think many people's biggest disappointment is not that the lenses are made by Fuji, but that they cannot use their V-system lenses with the H1 bodies. One of the hallmarks of the Hasselblad system was the interchangability of components. They would work well together even though there may be 40 years between the manufacture dates of the items.

The first "civilian" Hasselblads had KODAK lenses. And while most people associated that name with film, Kodak made descent lenses. And so those first Hasselblad lenses were clearly engraved with the name Kodak. As they should have been.
The Fuji company is also known primarily for film, but as many large format shooters know, they also make exceptionally good view lenses.
The marketing suits at the factory need to see to it that the production department engraves (or silk screens or whatever) a major component like a lens with the makers name. It may "hurt" for a while but in the long run ALL will benefit. What they now so conveniently label "savy marketing" used to be known by a very different name. Lying.
Putting the Hasselblad name on H1 lenses, RH, is not quite lying if (as is indeed the case) they are designed by both Hasselblad and Fuji. Or is it?
Well Q.G. if that's true it would be called a half-lie. Or half-truth. Or half of the story. Turn it as you like. It still smells of deception.
Just as an aside, are you on the VH payroll?
"I think many people's biggest disappointment is not that the lenses are made by Fuji, but that they cannot use their V-system lenses with the H1 bodies."


I own a Contax 645 and can use my Hasselblad V and F lenses on it. It's restricted to stop down metering and shooting, but the in-camera focus confirmation works. But the Hasselblad 645 doesn't allow use of their own system lenses. How irritating is that?

I was really disappointed when the H1 came out sporting Fuji lenses. Hasselblad has always stood for top of the line to me and Fuji took it down a notch IMO. I've used Fuji glass which is pretty darn good, but it just doesn't have that Zeiss feel. I know it when I see it, just like I like the feel of Leica glass in 35mm. It's not a bar chart thing, its a feel.

Is that meant as a cheap shot at QG, asking him if he is paid by VH? I could ask you if you are
paid by Zeiss marketing. Would be just as silly.

If you don't like the H & its lenses just stay away from it.

This is becoming an enterily silly thread. It better be shot here and now.


No, i'm not on Victor Hasselblad AB's payroll.
I do know however that at least one person who is on their payroll has been deeply involved in the design proces of the "fujiblad" lenses.
It's not as if they were trying to keep that a secret. ;-)

Just as they have not kept Fuji's involvement in the entire proces a secret. Quite the contrary.

And that's why i responded: i can't see why all this talk about "lying" comes from.
May i suggest that that talk can only be seen as a strong indication that some people haven't taking the trouble to absorb all the very publicly available information about the Hasselblad - Fuji cooperation in the H1 project?
That the "half lies" you see in fact is nothing but a reflection of your "half-knowledge" of matters at hand?

Now if yo were adressing the 60-120 mm "Hasselblad" zoom lens...