Hey Guys and Gals.
re Fuji v. Zeiss, with Leica and Contax acting as co-counsel.
Can we call it a 'draw' on the personal attacks and counter claims, and move on. I think there's another Forum for hurling epithets. <grin>
This is my first posting, but I've been 'watching'. It is very informative, for the most part.
Forty years or more ago, I used to get caught up way too much in how good one lens was when compared
with another, or even how a Nikon (or now a Fuji even) may or may not be as
good as another make (like Zeiss). Heck, one time I almost got into a fist fight about the Carl Zeiss of Jena lens on an Exakta 35 SLR built in Dresden. (The cameras with the film cutter built in).
Then, last year I took a 10 day vacation
taking only my trusty old friend - a back-up Rolleiflex TLR 3.5 Tessar 'point and shoot'- my second ever MF
camera which I've had for about 40 years I think. (My first was a Rolleicord VB,)
Just took the TLR, 3 filters, a lenshood, cable release, Weston Master IV (yep), and a (CF)
tripod - plus I think about 15 rolls of Ilford Delta. Yep, not 50 rolls. I figured a roll a day - all winners <grin>.
When I see those big old squared prints 10.25 x10.25 sitting in 16x20 mounts, proud, and equal to others of grander parentage,
they remind me - everyday - that what we SEE, and how we tell the story, is infinitely
more important than the tools we use. Sure the tools help. Like the
tripod. And the excellent simplicity of the Zeiss Tessar lens. (Please don't tell me about it.
I've seen pictures made by those with the latest marvels - 6008s, Mamiya7s, 67s, 203 or 205 and now the H1, and a
big bag of lenses and winders and such. Some are sensational. Most are very
average. Quite a few are terrible.
You could actually buy my entire Rolleiflex TLR "point and shoot" kit for less than
a new Hassy circular polarizer, and make very acceptable gallery prints.
Of course, I love my 503CW (no winder) and
80 and 180, but when I bought them, it did not help me SEE better. It only helps me record what I see, a little better, (and it's nice to have backs and finders and such.)
As for the right or wrong of a Hassy with Fuji or Zeiss. What's the
difference. Mr 'Blad asked Mr. Zeiss to make lenses in Germany; now he's asking
Mr. Fuji to make some in Japan. Hey, if it works for Herr. Leica to use foreign manufacturers, it has to work for
Hasselblad. It hasn't hurt Nikon and Canon either. And, in this great big free market, we buy what we like, igmore what we don't, and manufacturers adjust accordingly.
You knew that, anyway.
Thought for today. If you want to take an "equipment sabbatical", buy a
Holga120 for US $30, then look at a site like
www.davidniles.com/holga/ or another similar site, for some
inspiration. Then have some fun SEEING.
Be unencumbered, just once in a while. It's good for the soul. Throw the bokeh out with the bathwater.
OK, that's it. I'll post again in 2005. Thanks for being patient.