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Critical Focusing with Digital and Flexbody

NO . The 3042459 is for the PM5 , PME5 and the PM90 .
For the PM45 or PME45 you would need 3042462 .


Thanks: Steve
(I hope this is the last "Danish vacation" for your CFV)

The DPS viewfinder is Hasselblad part 72534.
It gives 5.5 times magnification and can be adjusted +0.5 to - 2.5 diopter.
Other correction possible with a custom made lens.

The DPS has no diopter adjustment; it is just like the RMFx. The same eyepiece adapter used on the RMFx fits the DPS. I had a custom diopter made and it interchanges between my DPS and RMFx viewers.
4 x 4 DPS Part number 3012534 according to the catalog which states that "The eyepiece can be adjusted from -2.5 to +0.5 diopters (-1.5 to +1.5 with the standard focusing scree adapter 3041057)."


Paul, I did know that the magnifier for the PM 90 wouldn't fit a PME 90, but I did wonder whether anyone had found a way to fit the one that goes on a PME51 - perhaps with bit of kludging?

Your DPS has an adjustable diopter . There was only one version built .

Lets try to fix it . I have mine just in front of me . Go and get yours and take off the aditional diopter holding ring . Then put on the rubber eyepiece . Does that rubber piece touch the hood housing ? ? ?
If so , and I believe it does , apply a firm grip to the rubber piece and turn counter clockwise .
Do not force too much . Try a couple of times , and then you will see , that you can turn the diopter part ( counter clock wise ) I had to do this , and now it works .
Please come back with results .


My DPS was seriously stuck! The rubber ring just turned with no result. In the end, I protected the threads and used a pair of pliers to finally get it to move. Works great now. Thanks for the help. When I use it with my Kapture Group sliding back (on an Arca Swiss 6x9), the DPS is perfect for critical focus.
I remember I had the same problem with the last DPS I bought a few years ago.
Got it going after a little attention to the fitting of the parts.
