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CFV II a dinosaur?

Posts moved

I moved some posts about scanning and scanners to this section in digital darkroom where they are more appropriate.

Forum moderator.
I think you did not get my tounge in cheek humor ... basically I said the same thing you did ... but sort of mocking the idea that any of this stuff is obsolete.
Or maybe I didn't get your humor ... which is probably more likely.


I obviously got you wrong and did not understand your humor .
But as no nasty words were used , I think we can both live with that "misunderstanding" .

Regards Jürgen
I just noticed here in Switzerland that the new price for a CWD is now (since the 15/04/2009) 30% less. (about the same price than in the US anyway).
Now it's possible to get interesting promo on a H3D II 31 without lens.
Perhaps the last days for the Kodak 16Mpix sensor. Hope a new scare sensor.

Last week I was in Stockholm and took touristic pictures and use to take same pictures with a Leica M8 with the "best" 50mm / Hasselblad 110mm 2.0 on 50 asa Velvia witch gave the same point of view. It was obvious that the 6x6cm is far beter than this numerical solution.
The FTM curves @ 5.6 are between 70% (@center) to 40% for the 110mm but if you compare the sizes of the "sensors", you understand that a "100% ftm curves" on a 24x36mm should be beaten.
BTW if you compare sizes between H3D 31 sensor and Hasselblad-V on 56x56mm film, any poor FTM 30% V-Lens beat H lenses !
Ok numerical is sharper than film, but optical limites give great margins for wide film sensors.