The number of professionals working with V gear is in fact decreasing. It is true pros like to use the latest gear. At least for me it is. I love using my digital EOS and probably will buy a new every 2 or 3 years for the next decade or so.
But when it comes for the best image quality either for work or pleasure, bells, whistles and chrome don't matter anymore. and here is when a well kept 500CM comes handy. This damn thing is so good, that after 50 years is one of the best boxes to put on a digital back.
To my understanding, a lot of V gear lovers rather spend on this camera than on any other system, but thing is , Hasselblad is not supporting it. So, a lot of these photogs moved to the H system or to Canon. And now they will move to Nikon too.
Enter the Hy6. Good answer I thought. After looking at the AFD glass prices I was put off. Entry fee with 3 basic lenses is over $20Kusd and if yoy want a dback you have to come up with over $50Kusd. With this cash, one can buy a new 3 bedroom house in most countries!
No go. In the meantime, I have in my drawer 4 beautiful, sharp, lovely CF lenses waiting for a miracle.
Hasselblad, must realize that there is a lot of photographers worldwide that will rather prefer to invest for their V system, than migrating to the H. The H system is not an answer, but an alternative for the lack of something better. The poor thing even looks like a portable x-ray machine. It belongs in a Lucas film, not in my camera bag.
As for me, it is only a one year wait (I think) till a refurbished or used A22 or P25 come to affordability if I don't fall before to the Sirens singing. (another casualty)