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Archival Storage for Digital Images

Probably the best solution is a hybrid one ... shoot film, high res scan as (or converted to) DNGs. Properly store the negs/transparencies in one place and the digital files in a different off-site location ... or store the negs off-site and use the digital files for everyday use.

In general, I predict none of it'll happen any more than the majority of work ever shot. 50 years from now there will be a lament as to the lost generation of photographs.

The question is, where will the prints be?
G'Day Marc:

"The question is, where will the prints be?"

With the prints-ess, silly man.



(Haven't been eating mushrooms, honest.)

Andy and Peter:

Thanks for sharing the how to. I do appreciate the knowledge. I just added my perspective as one that likes photography, not computerography! Tedium is not what I want from the joy of photography! I also, left out one point that I originally considered for my first post and that is many of the slides I have stored, good or bad I have only looked at once! Perhaps I will be snowed in some week and look at them again!


Topic : long term storage of digital (image) data on various media .

There is a very interesting 6 pages article about the above topic in todays PHOTOPRESSE magazine .

All our (image) data suffer from the digital Alzheimer disease .

Unfortunately , the article is all in german , and I feel absolutely unable to translate this .
But , if anyone of you is interested in this article and might even be able to translate , just let me know and I will arrange that you get a copy of that magazine .

The authors are 6 professors and doctors at germany universities and sience organizations .
