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50 mm lense stuck

When buying 40+ years old cameras and lenses you cannot expect to get full warranty on your purchase.
The price paid often does not allow for that.
A camera and lenses this age need at least a good service.
In most cases the service job is all it takes to give you a reliable kit.

I would accept the 30 euros as a token of good faith and use it to cover
postage to and from a good repairman to have your new camera serviced.
If your budget does not allow all parts to be serviced at once start with the things you are likely to use most.

You are located in Norway. I do not have any reference for a repairshop there.
If there are readers who can make a suggestion please do so.

I have been offered 30 euros to compensate for the camera + lense from the seller. Is this a good deal you think? i bought a complete package of one camera house and 3 lenses plus 3 backsides, one polaroid backside and various filters for 70 euros.

Eh... you really bought all kit that for only EUR 70?

Thanks Wilko!
I missed the 70 euro part. :z02_respekt:

The only thing I wonder is what gun fresvik used to convince the owner to sell
a body, three lenses and three backs for 70 euro.
This is a gift. I hope fresvik enjoys this opportunity.
It makes it more attractive to spend some money on the lenses and body to have these parts serviced propperly.

Fresvil paid not more than 10% of the value of this kit.
sorry, a little mistake there, I meant 700 euros! not 70 :p
Ive been told that the camera house and the lense are pretty much useless and that i should buy a newer model. Ive told this to the seller and he offered me 300 euros as a compencation. Its a good deal, right?
Yes, it is still a very good deal.
Use the 300 to get the set serviced by a good repairman. Forget Mr. Fixit
That is money well spent. It will make this an older but reliable kit.
Nothing wrong with that.

A more recent set is not necessarily a much better set.
You can upgrade the 500C with a later, brighter focussing screen.
That is about one of the best things to improve this set with.

If you cannot find a good repairman in Norway contact me PM.

A question - the photo Fresvik posted showing the offending screw reminds me of a question I have.

Is that rectangular "box" that screw goes into meant to have some slight small amount of movement if you touch it?
Hello Simon,

I tested the rectangular box in a few of my cameras.
As far as I can see it is fixed. The box as you call it is a cover that slides over
the mechanism that commands the lens.
It does not do more than cover it and prevents unwanted reflection as there are a few bright parts there.

But, Simon, do not worry about it.
The thing is really only 'fixed' in the center, where the screws and axle are. It will indeed wiggle a bit when pushed.
No problem!
hello again!
sorry for the slow reply!
I've decided to say yes to the offer and called the fixit guy to send me it back. He didnt say how much he wanted for what he had done, hopefully not too much since it wasnt really fixed at all. Anyways..thats how it is so far.
Thanks for all your help! It's greatly appreciated :)
Glad to hear you will keep the camera set.
Now find yourself a good repairman in Norway.
Anybody who can recommend one please do so.
i think i will just buy a new camera house of a newer model actually. maybe a c/m, it would fit for the lenses wouldn't it?
Bodies are easy to find.
If it is an older one allow for a CLA job.
That will set your newly acquired body right and prevents problems.

A 500 C/M will be a good choice.
Please note the 500C has collectors value.
Especially if fitted with the early view finder I am sure you will get a fair price for that body.

All lenses for the V series will fit a C/M body.
Meaning any lens produced from 1957 till now for the V cameras is OK:
waking this thread back to life again

hello fellow hasselblad enthusiasts. sorry for the slow reply. I got my hasselblad back from the guy I sent it to only a few days ago! It's actually been there all the time up untill now. He was extremely slow at sending it back but now I'm just glad its here. Though its still not working, so I will have to ship it away again :(
I don't know anyone in norway who can fix it, and I took a little question round in my city before i sent it away, and it seems pretty impossible for anyone to look at it. Isn't that a bit odd?
You are one of the most patient Hasselblad users I have ever come across.

I am sorry I can not recommend a repairshop in Norway although I think there must be an independent specialist in Norway who can sought out the problem.

I can recommend David Knapman in Sweden. He is the master of Hasselblad repairmen because he trained many of them while he worked for Hasselblad in Sweden.

If you need more information please send me a personal message through the forum.
hasselblad repair in norway

I know this comes late but the hasselblad repair in norway is interfoto in høvik.
Was not so difficult to find out from I found out because i will have to go there day after tomorrow. My lens is totally stuck somehow halfways screwed on.
Im new to hasselblad and enjoyed it for three film roles when this happened. Ive read all the do and donts but still managed to f.. it up.
Looking forward to shoot more. its like being in heaven and I remember my younger days when shooting with two-eyed yashica.
Welcome Birger and thank you for the reference of Interfoto Norway.
I will add them to my list of independent service centers.

Do not feel bad about a sticking lens on a body.
It can happen without any fault of yours although most of the time problems like these are operator error.
It happens to experienced users as well.

Forum moderator.
stuck lens

Hi again
i got to interfoto and they unstuck my lens for free! the technician also told me how to fix it when it happens again, and off course being a total dork i managed again :)
following his instructions it took me 10 minutes to fix it.
When the release screw does not work unscrew the other screw next to it and remove the little covering box. this will expose the trigger system. in the right end of it there are two little screws next to each other. loosen one while tightening the other will retract the trigger system and the lens is free.

easy as long as you have the right screw driver and it is magnetic... If you dont have an magnetic screw driver get one first or you will have trouble getting the box screwd in place again. dont loose that screw , its tiny...
If you dont get it from reading this, read the whole thread of this discussion and you will get the idea.

But do this on your own responsibility dont flame me if you f... up
But do this on your own responsibility dont flame me if you f... up

Typical f* up: scratching the rear element of the lens. Costly at best, irreplacable at worst.

So, learn to mount/unmount lenses without causing this problem. Assuming the equipment is in proper, well-maintained shape you should not have this problem..

I'd recommend sitting on the couch at home and practice the lens mounting/unmounting. At some point it will be "automatic" to your hands. Once you have achieved that feat you can even swap lenses in the dark! (search the forum, I have posted quite a few pictures shot at night).

stuck lens

Yes well thats why i realised i was such a dork doing this twice.
Lens and camera are in good condition according to technician.

I agree to train and the habit should be to always wind it up but a little bit of excitement of being a new baked owner of this phantastic camera is enough for me to becoming slightly stupid hehe.