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250mm telephoto lens

Thanks for posting this photo Mike. I just picked up a mint 250 CFI today (including the leather case, box and original registration card) while on a visit to Minneapolis. I wasn't actively looking for one, but couldn't pass this one up. Still need a 35, 60 and 350mm to round out my collection I guess. :)


Hmmm ... the 35mm lens for a Hasselblad 5XX may be a bit hard to find.

Interesting topic, it went as far off-topic from the original 250mm subject as it possibly could: to the 38mm Biogon :)


Not quite the 30 mm is further from the 250.

Diid you know there was also a 24 mm lens for the V series?
Thanks Simon.

It is not even all of what I brought that evening to Leverkusen.

In the pic are all 250 mm Sonnars ever produced for the V series.
Two for the early cameras: the rare 4.0 and a 5.6 lens.
And three C lenses in different guise plus a CF version.
The CFi is missing but that lens is basically a CF with some improvements.

Along with some other collectibles here are the other 250 Sonnars.
Far left early CZ lenses for 1600F, the 250/4 and the 250/5.6
Right three C lenses and a CF.
The camera on the left is an early 1600F with Kodak Ektar lens in working condition.

View attachment 1283

Picture Willi Sieger at Fotoclub Daguerre in Leverkusen Germany.


Do I get something wrong here ? ? ?
The lens next to the camera , is that a 4/250 Tessar for 1600/1000F ? ? ?

If so , is that yours ? ? ?

Hello Jürgen,

I am glad you also have some interest in other things besides nice SWA cameras.

Yes that lens next to the camera is a copy of the famous 250/4 Sonnar built in limited quantities.
This lens happens to be in my possession because the owner did not need the lens at the time.
I hope he forgets he ever send me this lens but I guess that hope will proof to be in vain.


These lenses are certainly worth stealing but no this one is not stolen.
Not by me nor by anybody else.
Too many people know about these lenses. Stealing is not an option.

Hi guys.
Was out shooting just for fun last evening, and ended up with a couple of pano shots using my 250. Thought I'd share.
Specs - 501 CM, 250 CF, Hassy 93 polarizer, CFV @ ISO 100, PME 51 @ ISO 50, Exposure - 1/60th sec wide open for both shots.
3 image pano for each, plus additional cropping from top & bottom.
I'm never sure how these jpegs will look once posted, or how big or small they are. Now that they're posted, I see they're awfully tiny, and not very sharp. I give up!


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Hello Jürgen,

I am glad you also have some interest in other things besides nice SWA cameras.

Yes that lens next to the camera is a copy of the famous 250/4 Sonnar built in limited quantities.
This lens happens to be in my possession because the owner did not need the lens at the time.
I hope he forgets he ever send me this lens but I guess that hope will proof to be in vain.


These lenses are certainly worth stealing but no this one is not stolen.
Not by me nor by anybody else.
Too many people know about these lenses. Stealing is not an option.



It is not what I thought; it is what it sounded like what Jürgen said.

It is not what I thought; it is what it sounded like what Jürgen said.


You are absolutely wrong here .
I am shure Paul did exactly understand , what I ment .
No trouble for miles around .


Jürgen and a few other people know I am looking for a lens like this.
I suppose Jürgen wondered whether I have finally found the lens I am looking for.
That is why he asked: is it yours.

My searches have come up with three lenses for sale.

One is partly dismantled and for sale "as is" for an absurd price.
The price is absurd because it is doubtfull whether this lens can be reassembled without replacing parts.
The second one is also expensive but is in good condition.
The third is reasonably priced but is not in good condition. The rear lens is damaged.

And of course there is the collection of a certain gentleman who owns five of these rare fast early lenses.

I have to respect my own adagio "time is your best friend when searching for a rare item."
The 250/4 would make my collection of early Hasselblad lenses complete.
