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2008 calendar

Hi all,

It looks like the calendars have arrived all around the globe - from the US to Europe, South Africa, Australia, China... it feels like we're a bit more connected to this great network of Hasselblad photographers.

Thanks for the comments on the calendar. Sorry we had to limit the number sent and some didn't make the cutoff. Maybe next year if we do this again!

For those of you who would like to know where those photos were taken, check out our webpage.

Greta & Manu

Manu Schnetzler

Something is not right as you are definitely in the list and a calendar was sent to your address. Please send it to me offline so I can double-check.

Or maybe someone in your company snagged it...?

Well Marc I did not get one either but I got the one Jürgen made.
That is an excellent compensation to say the least.

Both Paul and Marc were on the list early and had calendars shipped to them. I am a little annoyed that they would not have arrived by now. I would have hoped going from California to Michigan would be fast. Holland might be a bit slower but it's surprising it hasn't made it by now.

Let's wait a few more days and see if they make it.

Gerard, I'm waiting for an answer to the PM I sent you...


Sometimes post is not as fast as we expect it to be.
My 2008 calendar arrived yesterday in excellent condition.
After reading all positive reactions I was anxious to see it.

I too am impressed by the images and design.
Thank you very much.
The calendar has found a place on my desk next to my laptop.
