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1600F + Tessar 80mm lens - first impressions

Some clever "Golden Nuggets" arrived - a clever (obviously engineered and manufactured in Germany!!) man made beautiful brass cable release adapter for generic cable releases and a neat screw-type cover for the camera! I'd even bet they are better quality than the Hassy factory's originals! :)

No prizes for guessing who! :)
Hello Simon,

Good to hear from you again.
Please keep sun glasses ready as the post about 135 mm Ektars is likely to blind your sight.
Four of those beautiful lenses together in a low Dutch sunlight is more than most eyes can sustain.

I am working an a special rule that allows more than one of those lenses per FUC member.
In fact Jürgen will be acting against the FUC rules as soon as his Ektars arrive.
Let me think about a finger print clause.....

Thanks Paul.

But most importantly I think Jurgen will need to amend his ways firstly by posting sample images taken with each Ektar and Zeiss lens. The only question is the amount time in which Jurgen must post his samples! :)

Paul, this begs the question: did anyone ever produce a 1600/1000F to V series lens adapter?

Of course, if not, we could get Jurgen back to his work-room to begin machining one - in brass might be nice - he's proven himself to be a master of such machining! :z04_breakdance.gif:
Paul, this begs the question: did anyone ever produce a 1600/1000F to V series lens adapter?

Of course, if not, we could get Jurgen back to his work-room to begin machining one - in brass might be nice - he's proven himself to be a master of such machining! :z04_breakdance.gif:

I have got a letter from a certain CEO in Denmark where the missing adapter is mentioned.
This matter was brought to the attention of Hasselblad management by a FUC member in Germany. Not by Jürgen nor by me btw.

Hasselblad will order some adapters from Jürgen to use old "F" lenses on 200 bodies.
Not only that, Hasselblad will also order a study to see if those lenses can be used with H series cameras.
That adapter will also house a focal plane shutter.
A team of 11 specialists is already at work in Japan, sorry for that, to start research.

Paul, this begs the question: did anyone ever produce a 1600/1000F to V series lens adapter?

Of course, if not, we could get Jurgen back to his work-room to begin machining one - in brass might be nice - he's proven himself to be a master of such machining! :z04_breakdance.gif:

Sorry to say , Simon , but as the demand for such an adapter is too low , I will not make one .

But where are you . ? ? ?

I have not heard of you in the forum since a long time . Are you doing all right ? ? ?
Please give the forum a sign of life .

Best regards Jurgen
would such an adapter not make sense to you? Your 1000F/1600F lenses could be used on the later bodies while your Hasselblad 1000F is now successfully converted to accept the lens line from the Arsenal plant in Ukraine (hoho, I did not use the K-word). :z04_9856:

Great combo!

What is the problem?
Quite a good looking camera.......

Die erste 1000F(K).JPG

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever"


Thank you for not using the K word.


  • Die erste 1000F(K).JPG
    Die erste 1000F(K).JPG
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