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1600F + Tessar 80mm lens - first impressions

Thanks Simon,
and in the meantime I also have ordered lobster...

I will spend a few days in the Alps carrying my SWC. Hopefully after that there will be some time for the scanning business.

Please keep your handkerchiefs ready as these pics will induce some serious drooling.

I was lucky to be able to receive this excellent 135 mm Ektar lens from the former owner on behalf of Jürgen who is the lucky buyer.
This lens was brought to me personally by Kevin from California during his visit to a camera fair in Holland.



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I think I have watched this lens for quite some time at the online-auction. Had I known that the price included personal delivery service...

But let me spoil Jürgen's day. This lens is from the late batch from 1957. So it is absolutely impossible to fit it to one of Jürgens Hasselblad 1600F cameras because the last 1600F bodies were assembled as early as 1953. So there are two ways out of it. The lens goes into my hands and in front of a 1957 Hasselblad 1000F. Or Jürgen can buy a 1000F from me.


I have been after this Lobster since a very very long time . I can't remember how often I decided : get this Lobster and the seller refused all my payment offers .
(at his price) .
So , with Paul's wonderful help , this lens made the way to me .

Many photographers , especially in the late 50s and 60s could not afford to buy all available lenses at the same time .
Therefore it is absolutely normal to have a lens , which was built later than the camera body .
As you can see , the day is not spoiled .

Looking at the Lobster , I must admit , tears are rolling down from my eyes.
That is the most wonderful vintage lens I will have .
It is an absolute star beside the HASSELBLAD vintage queen , (the ledgerbook queen) , Paul made available to me .

As soon as the Lobster arrives here , I will take images and also present the lens with the vintage queen .

Hopefully , next year , our beloved friend Simon , from Australia , might visit Europe , and then , I suggest , we will bring all the beauties together and have a good time . FUC members and their passion . Just great .

Best regards Jürgen
Hello Ulrik,

Closer inspection revealed some irregularities in this 135 mm Ektar.
My plumber is a keen photographer and claims he can repair any camera or lens.
After his excellent service job is finished the lens will probably be for sale again.

Please contact Jürgen with a PM to negotiate.
Of course shipping charges can be reduced by sending the lens to you with a certain virtual SWA camera.

Now seriously:

I was glad I had the chance to inspect this lens before actually buying it.
The other lens that came from California was a disappointment despite 56 pictures of that lens that I studied carefully.
Once again I was confronted with the hard reality that it is not only pure gold that shines on internet sites.
These items demand a serious amount of money and paying duty and VAT on top of that only to find out the item is not
what you expected to get is tough.


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Thanks for your kind words.
You know it is a pleasure to help you if a deal does not go through.

I have not got a magic stick but have only moderate skills to negotiate.
Finding out this seller was coming to the same camera fair that I was about to visit was pure luck.

This Ektar will find the warmest welcome at your home anybody can think of.
I know you have been after this lens for quite some time.

In this case an ounce of luck is worth more than a ton of wisdom.

Typical for these camera fine mechanics .

They have the best tools ever available all over the world .
Ohhhhh how i envy you for these tooooooooooooooools .:z04_kaputtlachen:
I can not resist a good glas of wine now .:z04_bier01:

Looking at your 1000F equipment in post #116 , I can see that little screw , fitting in the cable release hole on the camera body .
Please see also page 59 of RICK NORDINS compendium .

Do you possibly have one of the three types of screws for sale ? ? ?

Hello Jürgen,
unfortunately I have only one of these cable release adapters which came with my 1000F No. 1. There is an ugly one on the online-auction-site right now. Even more stylish is an original cable release that fits directly into the camera thread, but again, I have only one of those. On the surplus side I have Zeiss 135 and 250 mm lenses.

Maybe somebody can programme these adapters into a CNC machine and produce some dozens, I see a need for those.

Maybe somebody can programme these adapters into a CNC machine and produce some dozens, I see a need for those.


Paul once tried to get some of these "magic" screws made , but somehow that fell into oblivion .
These screws belong to the strong desired accessories .

In the meantime , I will use one of these . These are the three types of cable release , which were available from HASSELBLAD .

Good ones are hard to get .
Ulrik, Jürgen,

There is absolutely no problem.
I have all the covers and adapter screws that I need.
Please explain what this is about!

Now seriously.
It is a problem to find a qualified machinist or even a company that owns
a suitable CNC rig to produce a small series at a decent price.
Not the manufacturing but silly prices decide whether it is possible or not to
start making these items.

Thanks Jurgen,
Yes it is my plan to get to Germany during 2009 - fingers crossed! Your idea that we get together for an FUC meet is terrific - I'll have to get a passport for the 1600F so that she can come along too! :) :) :)

Seeing those early cable releases reminded me that I have a similar CR to the centre ad upper ones for my Linhof 4x5.

Jurgen's 135mm complete with original box looks a wonderful treat.

Jurgen's comment about relative lens costs back in the 50s makes an excellent point - all such products today are a fraction of the cost as a % or average annual incomes in comparison with the 50s. A similar case applies to regular cars. So, if we think a new V series camera and its CZ lenses seem expensive, you bet the cost in the 50s was horrible.

Love that choice of precision tools for lens adjustments!! :) :( I'm glad he is not my dentist :)

So, gentlemen let's see some vintage pictures!! Keep up the preservation of the rare 1600f/1000F species!! :)
Paul once tried to get some of these "magic" screws made , but somehow that fell into oblivion .


I did not mean that as a reproach . Not at all .
I know very well , that small series of screws of such a delicate nature , can not be produced at a reasonable price in low production figures .
it is the same as with calendars . Getting a calendar printed and bound is uneconomic below 300 pieces .

I have looked at these screws in RICK NORDINs compendium again and I think , I will be able to produce at least the left screw , page 59 , bottom .
Might be even the right adapter screw . I will check that by tomorrow in a little iron monger shop , who has all sorts of screws sold as single pieces .

I have the machines and tools and I found a small company providing the
required material .
So I decided , I will give it a try .
Many thanks!!!

To Paul and Ulrik, you have mail!!

My sincere thanks to you both for your kind "welcome" pack from the Hasselblad FUC and the superb instruction manual, lens guide and brochure for the 1600F together with the original strap and a VII UV filter for the Tessar.

Jurgen, I'm sure you will be pleased to know that the beautiful 1600F is now in safer hands - supported by an original strap; lens protected from the elements AND an instruction manual!!! How can I go wrong now!!!

Again gentlemen, my sincere thanks to each of you for your generosity and welcome to the Hasselblad FUC.
Hello Simon,

They say patience is a virtue.
I am not very well equipped with virtues.
It took two weeks to bring the parcel back to Europe and another two weeks to get it back to you again.

It seems Dutch Post did a better job although Australian Post handled the parcel again at your end.
At last these items send to you for the first time on the 29th of April have arrived safely.

Simon, welcome to the FUC and enjoy this present.

Thanks again Paul.

It has been fun reading the booklets from that era - such a different approach back then.

The 1600F has an active role to fill especially with the beautiful characteristics of the Tessar!

Of course now we are awaiting Jurgen's report on the 135mm!!!! :z04_nic_0075:

Jürgen is waiting patiently for his 135 mm lenses to arrive in Algovia.

Delivery is delayed because of the family portrait that will be made of reunited 135 mm Ektars.
My Ektar lens, bought Sweden, is on its way to Germany.

FUC/ Latest news!

My first 1600F is now being assembled with new parts from a stock I found recently in Sweden.

Like with a carpenter where the doors do not shut properly my faithful 1600F is last in the line of 1600 cameras to be given new parts and lubricants.
Amazing that a 57 year old camera only needs a pair of shutter springs and some TLC to be get a new lease of life.
Those two new springs are the only items exchanged since this camera left the Hasselblad factory in 1951.

It has been said before: They do not make quality cameras like these anymore.