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X2D - I hope this is not too early


The X2D is out and about. Some Scandinavians have the and a few other folks, too. The photos I have seen on the Facebook groups are amazing. This camera seems to have struck a sweet balance between size, weight and features. While I am currently shooting Leica M's I have a backordered X2D somewhere awaiting being delivered to my home. And I am pretty sure there ares some other folks in the same situation. So when yo get yours let us all know. And I will do the same.
Hi Boojum,

I am also eager to hear the first impressions from real X2D users. It looks like the X2D will be a great improvement over the X1D/X1DII.

I wonder whether there will be also in the future a kind of X2D "litte brother" with only 50MP to reduce the price tag.
Hi Boojum,

I am also eager to hear the first impressions from real X2D users. It looks like the X2D will be a great improvement over the X1D/X1DII.

I wonder whether there will be also in the future a kind of X2D "litte brother" with only 50MP to reduce the price tag.
As they cannot fill orders now and there seems a great deal of excitement over this new model I wonder what would induce them to sell a cheaper camera. It seems in the sweet spot of image, camera size and weight and interest. We all expected it 15 September. Now some folks are saying late October. Others say B&H will have them at the end of the week. But I doubt it.

This is a hot item. If sales lag they may put out the little brother with a 50MB sensor and stripped down software. But would they be selling it to people who would have bought the X2D?

I'll just be glad to get mine.
I'll just be glad to get mine.

You are right.

a reason for a cheaper model with "only" 50MP would be to offer a cheaper entry into the Hasselblad X-system. Fuji is very aggressive with pricing their MF models, so Hasselblad needs something to compete.

Another option could be economies of scale and spare parts. It is more cost efficient in the production if they use for all cameras within the Hasselblad x-system as much as possible the same parts. Here again Fuji prooved with their APS-C X-systems, that you can sell more or less the same camera at different price levels to different target groups just by changing the design slightly and some UI.
Yes, they can make a cheaper model in the same body, smaller sensor and a lot of duplicated parts to keep inventory down. That all makes sense. First they have to fill existing orders.
So tempting. As a mainly B&W, square image, print user I do wonder how I'd benefit from this wonderful new camera version. My time with the CFV-16 did not go well. :-(
So tempting. As a mainly B&W, square image, print user I do wonder how I'd benefit from this wonderful new camera version. My time with the CFV-16 did not go well. :-(
I have recently thought about the color vs b&w inclinations. I came away with I watch color TV, color movies, see the world in color and kind of like to photo it in color. I have done some nice shots with a Leica M8.2 in b&w. The M8.2 does great b&w. I really should use it more. But I am really looking forward to the X2D

I see the X2D as poaching on full frame territory. Close in size and weight, bigger in image quality and color. And cheaper than an M11 with Leica lens. Seems a no-brainer to me. And if you do not like the 1 x 1 there are a few other formats it will generate. Download the manual and read it. It is some camera. Check out the Facebook groups for the X2D for some amazing images, some at ISO 25600.
Right behind you on the subjects of ease of use and image quality ..... BUT .... I like the look of film, wet plate 10x8, platinum palladium etc. Whilst I don't process these (yet) and max out at 4x5, I'm not sure how the X2D gets me nearer to them ? If it did my kit locker would afford two of three X2D 100C :)
(I do have an H3D-31 and an H2 in there too).
The film look is why I like the M9. The Kodak sensor is very film looking. The M8.2 is pretty good, too. And from what I have seen the X2D is better than Leica and very possibly well better than the M9. But can it imitate the look of large format film? I doubt it. I wonder if a sensor could be tuned to imitate film better than they do now. Because then the question arises of who would by them? This is all way beyond my depth.

Maybe I like the X2D because of how the name "Hasselblad" is written across the front. ;o)

The film look is why I like the M9. The Kodak sensor is very film looking. The M8.2 is pretty good, too. And from what I have seen the X2D is better than Leica and very possibly well better than the M9. But can it imitate the look of large format film? I doubt it. I wonder if a sensor could be tuned to imitate film better than they do now. Because then the question arises of who would by them? This is all way beyond my depth.

Maybe I like the X2D because of how the name "Hasselblad" is written across the front. ;o)

I traded two M9s and a Monochrom to buy an S006 which blew them all out of the water in terms of image quality, but that was a major depreciating asset.
Using the Version 1 engine in Phocus is pretty near to film when applying Clarity and saturation, especially in B&W. It gives a shadow outline relief that isn't available with Ver2&3. Hasselblad thought Ver 2 was an improvement, but it wasn't. Give it a try with a portrait.

It's obviously got massive attraction for many including me. But need to be extremely careful as I'm just reverting back to film in a fairly big way. My H3D ii is excellent, it's back button autofocus is fabulous and it provides print sizes I need. Great to have a tilting screen and IBI, but ....

Besides, I've just bought two enlargers !
I understand you being involved in film and its costs. I am not ready to go back to it. I am just another hack so digital works with commercial printing of the few I want hard copies of.
I received mine on 14th September and am now waiting for the arrival of the 3 new XCD V lenses -- hopefully before the end of the month. Currently I have 4 XCD lenses and a HC lens that I use with the XH adapter. I used to own/use an X1D-ii.

I have created an album on Flickr as a repository for a few of my initial shots -- no commissioned work -- these are walk about shots rather than structured or planned - so please do not expect great lighting. I cannot post a link just search on flickr for ajm057 or album titled "Hasselblad X2D-100C first shots". I also have separate running albums for Test Shots and Still Life.

I also have a running BLOG on my Website, which amongst other things, includes my running list of the firmware/software upgrade requests I have submitted to Hasselblad - since I cannot post a link -- go to
I am really happy for you and enjoy the photos of those peppers a lot. I wish you were closer. I'd steal your camera. ;o)
since I cannot post a link

This is because of spam protection with new users. This restriction will be automatically removed by the forum software as soon as you have made a few postings.
I am confused -- I do not seem to be able to access the list of forums or to search when I am logged on -- these are RESTRICTED.

I can see more as a guest than I can logged-on as a regular user.
I tried going via the help section - but that was no help AND so I just email Nick-T

I have had my X2D for nearly 3 weeks (already over 2,000 accusations) and am waiting for the 3 new XCD V lenses. I have completed extensive testing of the X2D with my XCD 21, 80 and 120 lenses, profoto strobes, am engaged with customersupport on firmware issues and will do more testing when I have time. I just sent a HC 300/4.5 lens to Beatrice to find out why a lense that AF OK on the X1D-ii will not AF on the X2D -- Their test lens worked fine (mine using the latest firmware) and I am using the XH adapter (not the converter).
Shots of test with the X2D and XCD 120mm - See this album

The attached is a series of downsampled results from shooting a number of test targets with various lenses - starting with the XCD 120/3.5 Macro.
  1. Resolution -vs- aperture -- shots of a Thor Labs Positive 1951 USAF Test Target, 3 x 3 Target placed at 550mm at various Aperture settings to discover the sweet spot with the X2D-100C using a XCD 200/3.5 at ISO 64 - this combination is exceptional between f/5.6-f/16.0 -- f/8-f/11 are probably the best. No issues shooting wide open to f/5.6. Adverse impact of diffraction very clear at f/22 and above.
  2. Then shots of the DGK and Spyder Checkr targets show the impact of varying the ISO setting for a "well lit" subject -- lit be profoto B10x plus head the power of which was varied to attempt to keep the light level constant.
  3. Resolution of shots of an IEEE target 965mm away shot with an X2D and XCD 120/3.5 Macro constant ISO and apertures from f/3.5 - f/45
  4. NEXT are several series of shots of a target with constant light levels applied and adjusting the ISO setting. Then recovery will be applied in Phocus and LRC to bring the final image to an even exposure.
Exposure and alignment was adjusted but no additional sharpening or noise reduction was applied to any of these images.
I do not post commissioned work - so will only share walkabout shots and my person projects

Shots with the X2D and XCD 120/3.5 Macro -- Follow this link
My running blog on the X2D and new lenses can be accessed here