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Winder CW on 203FE?

Hi, everyone,

I was thinking of a project getting the Winder CW (for the 503CW & 503CXi) to work on the 203FE.

(The Winder F isn't exactly ergonomic, and does not have a shutter release).

If anyone has insight into what this project might involve, I'd be grateful to hear from you.

Hasselblad converted a limited amount of CW winders for the 203FE as used by NASA.
One of those winders turned up in Switzerland but was sold some time ago.

It means it can be done the question is how.
BTW, one want to sell me a 200 winder witch has the folowing default: It allways reload, never stop. To stop the reload you have to remove bateries.

Any idea if this is a minor connecxion to clean or something like this ?
The 2000/200 winder has 4 cams that engage with the camera.
One of those cams has a black dot.
There is also a black dot on the winder body.
Those two dots should be aligned before the winder is fitted to the camera.

It is a possible cause for this problem.
Hasselblad converted a limited amount of CW winders for the 203FE as used by NASA.
One of those winders turned up in Switzerland but was sold some time ago.

It means it can be done the question is how.

Wow, I hadn't heard of this! That is heartening! :)

How did you see this winder--in person or online somewhere? If you can remember where, it might be a start.

I also know someone who used to work for NASA--it's a long shot, but I'll ask him if he has any idea where I might start looking. I'd prefer to buy a converted one or two over converting my own.

Thanks for the tip, Polypal,
From Hasselblad:

Hasselblad 203S
This space camera is a focal-plane shutter camera based on the standard 203FE version. It is equipped with a special version of the Winder CW. The film magazines use 70 mm perforated film and are equipped with electronic data imprinting, enabling the recording of time and picture number for each exposure. Since the computers onboard have full control over the position of the shuttle it is fairly easy to identify over which spot on the earth the picture was taken.


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  • 6be77fcc-aa64-44df-944f-4d1f87ab3acd-203S.jpg
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Hello Brad,

I also discovered on Hasselblad website that a special version of the 203FE had been designed for the NASA, with mainly the adaptation of the nice Winder CW on it...

So, I contacted the technical service of Hasselblad in Sweden to tell them I wished to have my 203 modified in the same way whatever it will cost and last! Here is their reply :

"... The cameras you are referring to was a special project made for NASA, the 203S. Besides modifications for using the Winder CW the cameras has some modifications to the light measuring system and display system. Unfortunatelly we canot offer these modifications as a general service". :(

I also discussed with the guys from Hasselblad Tech Service here in France. The shutter & rewind had to be modified to be adapted to the winder CW. So, if you find the NASA winder CW, you could not use it with a regular 203FE...
I have seen the modified winder and it fits the 2000FCW and the 200 series cameras.
It works well without the need for modifications to the body.
Only problem is where to find the modified winder?
Curioser and curioser!

This is great info, guys, thank you!

My NASA contact has put me in touch with NASA's technology outreach group--a group within NASA dedicated to helping folks outside of NASA with NASA technology and solutions.

He told me that NASA doesn't typically sell any of their technology to the general public (he doesn't expect me to be able to buy a modified Winder CW from them), but they tend to be helpful with technical schematics (ie. if they have the information, they are more likely to be willing to explain to me exactly how they did it/what was done to the winder).

No idea if this avenue will pan out, but I've already contacted them. I'll keep you posted on what they say.

One other thing my friend told me is that many of the parts of the 203S were likely modified to work without lubricants (typical lubricants will vaporize in space, causing all sorts of issues). Perhaps that is why the shutter mechanisms, et. al. were also modified? No idea yet, but I'm hoping the modified winder will work on an unmodified 203FE... Time will tell.

Polypal, that winder that turned up in Switzerland some time ago--can you remember where you saw it/how you heard about it?

Thanks, guys,
I also remember that such a winder turned up some time ago at Hassi-Foto in Germany, but that shop was under different ownership then (and I had no 203 FE at that time).


My guess is NASA did not have much to do with modifying those 203 FE bodies and winders.
Hasselblad had a special projects department where all sorts of specials, not only for NASA, were being designed and produced.

I know the guy that bought the modified winder he uses it with a 2000FCW body without any modification.

The special winder makes the same terrifying noise as a standard winder......

Hello Ulrik,

That must have been years ago.
I bought a large amount of spares for lenses they had in stock before the shop closed.

The current shop does not seem to have much stock.

To Paul Claesson...

Hi all,

Maybe our newest member Paul Claesson from Hasselblad USA would be able to tell us more about this special version??

Why the hell can not you modify a regular 203 FE body to adapt a Winder CW??!! :(

I really do not understand why Hasselblad designed the Winder FE with such a poor ergonomy compared to CW one!!
In the earlier time, there was not idea to shot with the right hand.
See 500EL and 2000FCW.
Only with the 503 they discovered that users may prefer to shoot with the other hand.

Most of user use winder when tripoded, so ...

By the way, it's only this fiew month ago I understand how to handle the body when you use aerial viewfinder !
Why the hell can not you modify a regular 203 FE body to adapt a Winder CW??!! :(

I really do not understand why Hasselblad designed the Winder FE with such a poor ergonomy compared to CW one!!

The F/FE winder was made long before the winder for the 503CXi and 503CW was designed.

The 503 winder used on the 200 series was a special development from Hasselblad for NASA.
Hasselblad made a special 203 FE body with this winder to be used in space.

There are a few of those winders floating around.
I know of one that was offered in Switzerland a couple of years ago.
Given time and a suitable budget I am sure a qualified technician can adapt the 503 winder to fit the 200 series.
But who will pay the bill?