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Which loupe for viewing 6x6 is best?


New Member
Im' after a magnifier loupe for viewing my 6x6 negs on a lightbox and contact sheets. Which is best? I see that the Kaiser / Rodenstcok are used quite a bit alongside the Schneider.
Any advice appreciated.
Im' after a magnifier loupe for viewing my 6x6 negs on a lightbox and contact sheets. Which is best? I see that the Kaiser / Rodenstcok are used quite a bit alongside the Schneider.
Any advice appreciated.

Hi, Deano - I just picked up a nice older Schneider 6x6 on eb.y for $80 usd. I also frequently see the Calumet (Rodenstock) 6x6 loupe on the same site, usually goes for about the same cost. Both loupes are nice quality and just the right size for 6x6. Also, both have interchangable skirts so you can use them with/without a light table.