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Which camera combination is lighter 501cm vs 503cw


Thanks for noting my oversight!


That Clack, clicks right along with the rest of them! Nice shot


That is a little more expensive than a case of Kodaks, but, it is light weight!

Please post a shot of it. Someday I'll need something very light weight!


Please understand that humor is just par for the course.

If I were choosing I would opt for the 503CW and the 80mm CFE, they have the latest advancements. The 503CW has a better mirror system, viewfinder, and the new lens has a better shutter spring, flare control, etc...

You will get use to the weight, and the results will give you and little extra pep in your step as they say.


Hi Gilbert,

How about this


and this


Hey guys, what's with all the huge, pocket ripping, back straining cameras?

If you want to go small, then go small : -)

G'Day Jonah:

We're just giving you the typical Forum welcome. :)

Truthfully, I'd suggest the 503CW for reasons mentioned by Gilbert. Then, one lens depending on what I thought would be most used on my wanderings. If I was city bound, it would be my 50FLE just so I could be sure to get enough 'space'. But the 80CFE is a fine lens indeed. Even a 60CB would be a useful tool, and lightish. I might add that Simon posed a question like this some time back - my answer then (heretical) was a Rollei TLR. But you asked about the 500 series, so there it is!

503/80 "f8 and be there".



PS Happy Trails!
@ Marc. Nice, and such fun to scan. :)

@ Wilko. Don't overlook my pre-Mamiya lightweight, the Welmy 6. Another 'big neg' folder.


Cheers, Colin
Wilco, Marc, and Colin:

Thanks for sharing images of those beautiful mechanical wonders. They are quit refreshing to see, especially after spending time today reading about the digital mumbo jumbo news!

Oh, Jonah, I should have at least mentioned the TTL flash feature on the 503.


Hi Gilbert,

Beautiful they are indeed. I also have an Agfa Isolette 6x6 folder.
My father's camera which he got when he graduated. It also happens
to be my first camera

But the most beautiful one (and rather lightweight too) is this one


It is compact, lightweight, it has full lens rise/fall/shift, has a extendable bellows for closeup, no problems with film flatness (it uses glass plates), parallax free finder (it uses a ground glass which you swap for the glass plate), for action work it has a sports viewfinder, and there is a 3rd (reflex) finder with a spirit level. It has a Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 1:4.5/f=12cm (yes, 12 cm ;-) lens in a Compur shutter. The Compur can do 1, 1/2, 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, 1/50, 1/100 and 1/250. And it literally runs like clockwork. Which is not bad, as it was built around 1923 in Dresden. There should be a 120 film back for it in existence which I have not found yet. Would love to have one.. It has nickel plated parts which is by far more beautiful than chrome. The only flaw if you wanted one: the Tessar is an uncoated lens.

So...... what problem was it again that was recently solved in the world of still photography?


Although a lot smaller than your Blad's, your Minox is still huge..

I've on multiple occasions had Minox C in my hands. Scratching my head about buying it.. These are *really* small. And still fetch considerable prices on camera fairs. The image on the film is 8x11mm

These cameras are simply gorgeous little gems in my opinion:


For the curious: check out


Minox BL.. never seen that in real life. Only built a couple of
years I think (?).

Which brings me to a question: did James Bond ever use a Hasselblad?
I mean, everybody can 'rocket' a camera to the moon, but convincing
007 is another matter altogether.

Anyway, we strayed 2 parsecs away from the original question by now.

I'm enjoying the sight of my 'new' 501CM sitting on it's new Manfrotto 488 ballhead. On the ballhead is a Hasselblad quickrelease plate. All in all beats the original panohead of the Slik tripod. And the whole thing is still light enough to schlepp around on canyon rims.


The price is one thing . I must admit .

But I had threee different ball heads , LINHOF , MANFROTTO and ARCA-SWISS B1. They are all nothing against the ARCA-SWISS CUBE C1 . This is the best head , I have ever used and I will never use anything else , but the CUBE C1 .

The money , I wasted on the three ball heads before , makes up the price for the CUBE C1 .

So , I have an ARCA-SWISS B1 and a Manfrotto 405 head here doing nothing .

Hi Juergen,

The Manfrotto 405 that I found here

does not really look like a ball head to me?

I guess the Arca-Swiss Cube C1 is this one:

2k$ for a tripod head??? I think I had the opportunity to play with one when a bunch of pro photographers were shooting a 4x5" Linhof at night at the Potsdammer Platz in Berlin. We got to talk about cameras and they kindly allowed me some playing with the Linhof.

It is a very nice piece of workmanship, very true. But I will never spend that amount of money for a tripod head. One could get 20 to 25 Manfrottos for that money, just to contrast it.

Beautiful they are indeed. I also have an Agfa Isolette 6x6 folder.>


Wow, what a great gift from you Father. Beautiful indeed! I have a few uncoated Tessar lenses and they perform fine...

What a nice Minox. My Dad had one and it disappeared just after he passed away.

Thanks for sharing those beautiful cameras.


You are on a roll today, ALPA and Arca Swiss Cube.: -}



I fully agree . The CUBE is very expensive . And , as you say , it is an extremely good piece of
workmanship .
As I also work a lot with 4x5 LF and was fedup by fondling around with the 4x5 camera on the ballhead and found the 405 geared head too bulky , I decided to get the CUBE .
I enjoy working with the CUBE and will not go back to any ball or geared head again .


The Agfa Isolette sports a coated Agfa Apotar 4.5/85mm.

My 4th folder is an Adox 6x6 by the way.

The little Carl Zeiss I bought for EUR 70, which included a genuine leather case plus a couple of glass plate holders. If anyone ever finds me a rollfilm holder for it... you know who to send mail clipart{happy}
