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What XCD lens would best represent X-Pan format


New Member
I’m going to Japan and will be shooting my fiancé with my newly acquired X2D and 90:2.5 V lens (I’m a portrait photographer)
I also want to shoot some x-pan style images while in Japan so wondering what would be the best XCD (prime) lens to match the original x-pan format.
Thanks in advance
I’m going to Japan and will be shooting my fiancé with my newly acquired X2D and 90:2.5 V lens (I’m a portrait photographer)
I also want to shoot some x-pan style images while in Japan so wondering what would be the best XCD (prime) lens to match the original x-pan format.
Thanks in advance
The XCD 21mm and the XCD 2035 Zoom which functions like Prime.
In my opinion and experience....
When the human brain "switches to wide angle", a medium wide angle lens best corresponds to human vision in a panorama.
In the case of the X2D, I would use a lens starting at 45mm and going down to 30mm. Then you also get some of the image height.
Below that, panoramas look more like just one line of images.
Of course, it also depends on what you want to make a panorama of and what distances are involved.
For a mountain panorama where very large distances prevail, it can be appropriate to use a normal focal length or even a short telephoto lens.
Conversely, it may be necessary to use a super wide angle lens indoors, contrary to my initial recommendation.
So you can see that the question cannot be answered with a tip for a specific focal length.
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