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What do I lose?

What do I lose by batch converting my 3FR images from Flexcolor to DNG files and simply working in Photoshop? I know about the DAC/vignetting options that Flexcolor offers, but anything else?

Also, is there anything/any feature Flexcolor has that Photoshop does NOT have?

Thanks in advance.

Derek Jecxz
What do I lose by batch converting my 3FR images from Flexcolor to DNG files and simply working in Photoshop? I know about the DAC/vignetting options that Flexcolor offers, but anything else?

Also, is there anything/any feature Flexcolor has that Photoshop does NOT have?

Thanks in advance.

Derek Jecxz


It's my experience that color and - especially - shadow detail/noise levels are superior in Flexcolor. The primary advantage/difference aside from that are the DAC corrections.

Steve Hendrix
do DAC corrections work with HC lenses or only on HCD lenses?

Actually, which corrections are additional with HCD, that are not already present on HC lenses?
Pascal, Yes, selecting the DAC options in Flexcolor has an effect on any HC lens. The distortion control has more of a visible effect on wider angle lenses (i.e. 50mm).

Derek Jecxz