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Wahooo Using V lenses on a H2D

Some of the lenses in the H system are better than others. I personally love the 100/2.2 and have gotten near Zeiss results from the 300/4.5... the rest are better than most give them credit for.

The Flexcolor software corrections available in recent months have all but eliminated any distortion and fringing from the H wide angles on up to the 80mm. Unfortunately, this cannot be applied to the Zeiss lenses because they're not profiled.

Actually, I need to double check that using a 40/4 CFE lens that does have the data bus communication with the camera ... hmmm, I'll have to get back to you on that.

Still like using the Zeiss glass for some applications where AF isn't required at all.
Marc, now that you've been using the adapter for a while, I wondered how you are finding the focus confirmation using manual focus V series lenses?

And can you shed some light on how the focus confirmation actually works; do you find it very reliable and good for "critical" focus applications?
Hi Simon, in practice I've found focus confirmation quite useful. The way it works it that there are two arrows facing each other in the bottom right of the viewfinder. If the right pointing arrow is lit, it is telling you to rotate the focusing ring in that direction, when both arrows light up you have achieved critical focus. As I've said, the H camera's focussing system is quite accurate.

This is not to discount the manual focussing system in the V cameras, but I've had to resort to mounting magnifiers on all my prisms and do need them for medium to low light work.

The chief reason for adapting them to a H3D is to access the 39 meg back using Zeiss glass.

BTW, The far less expensive Mamiya 645AFD also provides focus confirmation when adapting Zeiss glass to that camera. Unfortunately, the adapter requires stop-down metering and shooting ... where the H camera with CF adapter does not.
Hi Marc,

First, congratulations for the pictures from your agency. I visited your website and liked them a lot.

So, did you test the CFE 40/4 on an H camera with the CF adapter (by the way, is it the IF or non-IF version)? What about your CFE lenses with H3D/39? How do they perform compared to the H lenses? Do you own the CFE 250/5.6 Super-Achromat and/or the CFE 350/5.6 Super-Achromat?

Thanks for your opinion.
Hi Nicalel,

The Zeiss lenses exhibit all the optical traits were are accustom to.

I do not have the IF version of the 40, nor the 350/5.6 SA. I did own the 250/5.6 SA for a couple of years but found I didn't use it enough to warrant keeping it.

I have contemplated securing the 350/5.6 SA from time-to-time, and recently found a Mint 350/5.6 CFE SA .... but it is $8,000. used !!!

In it's place I've taken to using the AF H/C 300/4.5 APO on the H3D/39. The combination of APO and DAC corrections in Flexcolor make it an excellent performer.

Prior to that I used a Zeiss 350/4 APO on a Contax 645. That is a lens that deserved more attention than it got.