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Wahooo Using V lenses on a H2D


Active Member
The new CF adapter works like a charm. Is easy to set up and shoot with. Keeping all my CFi and CFE lenses working on the film cameras and the digital body no matter what. What is really cool is that the H2D has a very effective focus confirmation for manual focussing the Zeiss glass.
That's great news Marc. I suppose that since the adapter was a "long time coming" we should have expected it to be good.... very very good!

That would also apply to CF lenses? I gather the adapter enables coupling of f stop etc through the electronic databus contacts on CFE lenses?

Nice to know should I ever go the way of an H body.
Yes Simon, all C, CF, CFi, as well as CFE lenses work like a charm. So do all extenders and 1.4X & 2X Multipliers.

Shooting is easy also. In fact, the shutter cocking mechanism is located right where the left thumb rests, so you can quickly re-cock the lens without taking the camera from your eye.

I've played with the 30/3.5, 120/4 macro with Ex. Tubes, 100/3.5 and 180/4 already.

The CF adapter is an important development for those of us with a dedication to the V system and any sizable investment in the Zeiss lenses we are addicted to. It assures functionality of our lenses well into the future no matter what happens.

The H2D/Imacon kit I chose can't be used with a film back because I wanted the version that doesn't require an aux. battery attached to the digital back. This version is totally integrated and draws power from the improved H2 battery grip.

The focus confirmation accuracy was the big surprise. Much better than the Contax 645 I used to own, (and Mamiya 645AF I once tried). It has me thinking about another H2 body and film backs to replace my 503CW. Being able to quickly and accurately focus a Zeiss 40 or 50mm in low light makes it a tempting option. I would continue using the 203FE system for 6X6 film work.

Can wait to apply this stuff to a wedding shoot ... but that'll have to wait to my first job booked at the end of Feb.

Happy New Year to you Simon. It's been a pleasure to exchange enthusiasm and information.


I looked at an H2 a couple of weeks ago and felt that the handling was just sweet, and indeed the low light focus worked well. I bet it handles very well with that Zeiss glass.

While using CFE lenses, is the aperture shown in the viewfinder?


Thanks Marc. You H2 sounds great and I get the reason for going for the digi-only version - makes a lot of sense.

It's also good to hear how well engineered the adapter is - "full" fuctionality. But, I did not understand your reference to "focus confirmation" - is this when using the AF Fuji optics?

Happy new year to you Marc and many thanks for your great assistance and advice.
Happy new year to all of you
I received the "HASSELBLAD FORUM" 03/2005 just after X-mas and on the back page , it reads : 29 reasons why H2D is the best professional camera in the world . I could only discover 3 , which are mentioned and wonder , where the other 26 reasons have gone ? ! ?

By trying to find the other 26 reasons in internet pages , i came across the SINAR M system , which i think is remarkable . then click on "press" and then on catalogues and please have a look at SINAR M and also at SINAR P3 . Working the digital way it uses SINARON DIGITAL lenses , which are in fact ....... CARL ZEISS AF lenses . And most remarkable for me , you can also use HASSELBLAD V-SYSTEM lenses (like with the adapter on the H2 SYSTEM) . Have a look to the versatility of that SINAR system . You can also use NIKON lenses in a kind of 35mm SLR and you have the possibility to use the camera body in conjunction with the P3 and do shifts and tilts on an optical bank camera .
The system is too complex to describe it in a couple of sentences , but if you have seen the description , you get a good idea of what this system could be for the professional world .
So , Simon , to come back to your question : What would you buy , if you could ??? I would definately think about this system . I think it is just great and would integrate some of my gear , and use CARL ZEISS AF lenses , not only the V-SYSTEM ones . And by the way , conventional film backs will also be usable (future) . If this will be HASSELBLAD backs ??? (i doubt)
@Q.G. This system uses a special focal plane shutter with speeds up to 1/2000 . In an earlier thread you said , it would not be possible to use a focal plane shutter when using digital backs .
SINAR m can .
I wish you all a very good start into the new year . No matter if digital or analog . Best regards. Jürgen .
Simon, "Focus Confirmation" is for the manual focus V lenses when used on the H2D. As you manually focus a lens mounted on the CF adapter, the focus arrows in the viewfinder are active. They need no data bus info from the lens and work independently.

There are 2 arrows in the right bottom corner that face each other. If the right facing one lights up it means you need to turn the focus collar that way, same with the one facing left. If they both light up, then focus has been achieved. It allows manual focussing of manual lenses (especially wide lenses) in dim light to done swiftly and easily.

I looked at the Sinar camera. Very nice. It wasn't portable enough for my use, and there is no AF. More of a studio camera perhaps?
You are not quite correct . The SINARON DIGITAL AF lenses , as there are the DISTAGON 40mm , PLANAR 80mm , MACRO PLANAR 120mm and the
SONNAR 180mm , are AF lenses . This AF seems to be the fastest AF available for MF . Of course you do not have AF when using V-SYSTEM lenses , the same as using V-SYSTEM lenses on a H2 - SYSTEM camera .

I have some concerns about the Sinar M although it is an auto focus digital, with numerous lens choices it may be better suited as a studio camera after all.

After I glanceed at their "Quick Reference SinarM" guide (which is down loadable) form their site, I have three major concerns. The 12 volt power source seems to be an auxiliary unit and the requirement for a G4 Mac. I also have a question about the lens shutter shown for use with the V lens configuration. If it indeed requires a different shutter than the V lens, that would be a deal breaker for me.

Happy New Year:

I am no employee of SINAR and i do not want to sell a SINAR M .
Also i have never worked with a HASSELBLAD H-SYSTEM camera .
I once had an H-SYSTEM camera in my hands and was offered to use it for a weekend , which i did not .
I just came across the SINAR system , when surfing , and , i must say , i am fascinated from the idea of that system . And it uses CARL ZEISS lenses ! ! !

I have decided to go the hybrid way , and there is no need for me to buy a digital camera of any brand . But if i would have to go for one , i shurely would have SINAR M and H2 on the top of my list .
I also owe no allegiance to any company. I am out for the most effect tool available for the job at hand. Many factors come into play when one is considering advanced technology. Where we used to being able to hold a camera up to our ear, and by experience suspect something wasn't right ... these camera systems require filters on our ears to mask out marketing hype.

I wonder what the cost would be for a Sinar kit that can do what the H2D can do? I also wonder what their support system is like? What their file-format and software is like? I am not frivolous with this inquiry, as I am looking for a second professional system. Now that Leaf has been acquired by Kodak, and they have launched the Aptus 75 (a 36 meg 645 sized back), and Phase One has launched a 39 meg back, the options for a second back are growing.

We must remember that when tech issues arise, you are only as good as the support system and the software. As I have been traveling the learning curve with the H2D, I have had access to instant help even over the Holidays from Imacon/Hasselblad. Also, a major part of the decision to select a Hasselblad H2D was the fact that Imacon elected to use the Adobe DNG file format. I cannot tell you how important this is because it is the format of the future. DNG is supported by PhotoShop like my Leica DMR/9, DSLR digital camera along with the DNG file conversion ability for the Canon 1DsMKII and 5D. No learning curve there as I am something of a reasonably expert PSCS2/ARC user.

While many film folk here have no worry with these developments, they are of major importance to keeping Hasselblad/Imacon alive so we all will have options in the future.
MF digital is nothing like DSLRs in terms of quality imagery. Like with film, it is still a truism that more real-estate is better.

Those of you like Jurgen, who go the scanner route with film, will acquire the processing skills for digital images. This makes the migration to a digital back much easier should the opportunity arise later. I'd predict that the 96C will become available for under $4000. or less on the used market. This then becomes a viable alternative to those who already have a fortune in V gear. Quite a nice back actually.

May you live in interesting times. A curse and blessing, one in the same ; -)
Jurgen, many thanks for the Sinar info - they make some very interesting gear. The debate that followed was equally interesting!

I was also interested in Marc's comment about the ease of migration from film/scan to digital capture. I think I agree because after buying the first digi-cam that exists in my house (an Ixus 750 as a Christmas present for my wife who began to use he phone instead of her film Olympus Mju - wonderful point and shoot), I took to it with ease.
I am no employee of SINAR and i do not want to sell a SINAR M .>

I certainly did not mean to nor would I have implied that you and anything but honorable intententions, when you posted the Sinar information. I posted the same on the 22nd of December after seeing the lenses on the Zeiss site and then the Sinar site. I also visited the Sinar distributor in Los Angeles. His primary business is rental and as such I only had the opportunity to look at a Sinar view camera. I must say that it is very well made.

After seeing your post I went back to the Sinar Site and downloaded the Quick Reference guide. Thus I found the items that concerned me.


I have not seen a pricelist yet , but the price for the body (electronic and shutter module only) is about 6000€ . You can attach any digiback available on the market . I have applied for a date at SINAR to see the system . They are only about 250 km away from my place .
Now , what i do not understand , is the fact , that they can mount HASSELBLAD V-SYSTEM lenses . I thought , that the HASSELBLAD V-SYSTEM lens mount is protected , and therefore no one else would be allowed to produce it . Think of the LEICA M-mount , which was protected for many years , but today , everbody is allowed to produce that lens mount .

Also , if SINAR uses a focal plane shutter , why can the focal plane shutter in a 203FE not be used in combination with a digital back ? ? What is the difference between the two shutter types .

The technical progress of electronic equipment and digital backs is so fast , that it drives me crazy , if i think of buying a back and by the time i leave the shop with it , it will be old . Think of the KODAK DCS645 , which is "antique" today and almost unsaleable . (6MP , the NIKON D200 has already 10MP)
I have already lost a lot of money on computers and printers .

And i do not want that this happens again .
Kodak DCS645 unsalable? I just sold my Kodak DCS645C for a very good price, so fast I thought I underpriced it. That is still a fabulous 16 meg back that is totally portable for less than a 1DsMKII body.
To get a totally portable back you'd have to spend $20,000. to beat it.

The trick with digital is to understand what you need, not what someone else says you need. When the technology reaches what you need, buy it and be happy.

I needed closer to full frame 645 sensor so wide angles would be wide, and total portability so I can shoot to CF cards without an ImageBank for wedding work. When Imacon got there with the H2D/and 22 meg 645 sensor, that's what I needed. Done.

You can look at it from any side . Wheather you go for digital or you stay with good old analog gear . one of your sentences made me somewhat awake from my enthusiasm for technical beauty like a HASSELBLAD . It is :
"the trick with digital is to understand what you need , not what someone else says you need . When the technology reaches what you need , buy it and be happy ".
Thats of course also true for analog gear . And i have much more than i really need . And i am not really happy with it , but very much mixed up . shall i go digital or not ? ? ? i think , i will still need much time to make up my mind .
I can tell you this Jurgen, going digital WILL impact your relationship with photography ... including analog work. It fosters shooting more because you see the results immediately. And it promotes more experimentation in areas that can rekindle enthusiasm. I've seen it even with the most die-hard film users.

What is terrific with MF digital work, is that you can snap off the digital back and mount a film back, and shoot using the same gear.

I also had a bunch of stuff going unused that I had some affection for. It collectively helped fund the much more useful digital back when I sold it all.

A Imacon 96C for use on a Hasselblad 501 or 503, is a life altering experience. Didn't slow down my use of film, just accelerated my over-all shooting by a lot. That's been magnified even more since acquiring the 22 meg CFH back.
Marc, your comments about the impact of shooting digital are along the lines I'd expect I would find myself, and they are quite compelling.

Anything (IMHO) that helps to maximise one's shooting is a bonus unless, of course, it turns you into a manic "un-thinking" shooter.

Having said that, two things still prevent me from taking up digital in any format yet:

1. I do not derive a living from photography so have no commercial rationale upon which to justify the initial cap ex (especially in MF).

2. It must offer quality and flexibility (ISO range etc) and does not overly upset my lens kit investment (focal length attributes and resolving power etc) at an "affordable cost" - these parameters are according to my personal interpretation.

This is why I said in an earlier post that the Canon D5 has me soooooo close! I look forward to that freedom of shooting that you describe. Maybe even Leica's digital-M will do it!?! But, I'm sure digital MF is a long way off for me.
Marc, impressed with the lens adapter fitting on the HD2 looks snug and as if it belongs, which it does, thanks for the picture, cheers Carl