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Various B/W's I made throughout the years




In San Francisco





I like the first but find the bright areas in the bottom right hand corner quite distracting.

No 2 is great.

I prefer no 5 to no 3

I like number 4.

Not so keen on the second set and suspect they would look better in colour.
Thank you for your comments. They're important for me to know which ones work and which ones don't.

The bright areas in the bottom right hand corner of the first Yosemite picture are actually water falls, so in a bigger, more detailed print they work well.

I find it interesting that you chose #5 instead of #3. I would have thought #3 would be better. The ball of wave on #5 I thought didn't work. I guess it did. They were actually taken in two areas that were really scary in that the waves were literally pounding all around me. I thought my equipment was going to go into the ocean.

Since all these photos were shot on Tri-X luckily I shot some of them on slide film also. The second set of shots actually do have a color version and you're right, they do look better. One day I'll scan them and post the results.


I like the first but find the bright areas in the bottom right hand corner quite distracting.

No 2 is great.

I prefer no 5 to no 3

I like number 4.

Not so keen on the second set and suspect they would look better in colour.