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used CFV back ?


New Member
hi everyone. apologies for asking such a stupid question, but hasselblad's retail price dance during the last few years confuses me...
I am considering selling my CFV back (plus some other stuff) because my commercial work increasingly requires a 645-shaped image. have no idea what amount to ask for it -- what do you suggest ? in the UK it was around £6000 new and the CFV II is that, but I know it went down to around £4500 recently, didn't it ?
any thoughts welcome.
The most recent UK price I could find was 6100 + VAT for a CFV II back.
The first CFV model was not sold much cheaper. There is a good demand for sensibly priced used digital backs.

Why not offer the CFV for sale in the classified section of MF forum? It is the last sub in the gear section.
For whatever reason (I guess good offers on new equipment) there are three up for sale on ebay now (U.S.).

Rich Quindry
For whatever reason (I guess good offers on new equipment) there are three up for sale on ebay now (U.S.).

Rich Quindry

I am surprised that there are only three on ebay now that Hasselblad has changed their upgrade program. The prices of the two used backs are too high...~$8,500 and out of warranty. The one located in Germany is new with warranty but only offered at 15% reduction from original price.

hi steve. many thanks for this guidance -- I certainly appreciate it. what sort of price do you think is sensible ? everyone (especially hasselblad) seems very reluctant to suggest a figure. many thanks, dave
hi steve. many thanks for this guidance -- I certainly appreciate it. what sort of price do you think is sensible ? everyone (especially hasselblad) seems very reluctant to suggest a figure. many thanks, dave

The market will set the price but I am still surprised at the high prices being asked for used CFVs that are out of the warranty period. IIRC, to extend the warranty on the CFV, the cost was ~3k$. I assume that the internal battery issue has been resolved with the CFVII but for a CFV that is out of warranty it might be a potential >$500.00 hidden cost.

That's a fact that the price is heigh for second hand. On other hand, the dealer in myregion are not so active. Imposible to buy Hasselblad stuff in any pro photo shop (even if you can buy Leica dealed by the same importator).
Perhaps Hasselblas should sell only online like Dell.

3k$ to extend the warranty ? That's tell me that the stuff is realy unsafe.
3k$ to extend the warranty ? That's tell me that the stuff is realy unsafe.

It is not just extended warranty it is also for hotswap etc.
And of course Hasselblad wants to make money on that warranty, a lot of money.

Hasselblad especially the digital products are not mail order items.
The client needs good advice before he buys. After sales service is just as important as the quality of the product.
Ask Jürgen he can tell!
these are good points. the fact is that the CFV is still £7000+ new in the UK and secondhand CF22 backs and H1D22 cameras are around £5--6000 from hasselblad in london, so I have priced my two-year old CFV at £4750 on ebay and will see what happens. compared to DLSRs, the medium-format backs are very expensive and not to be bashed about at the bottom of a camera bag, but I can certify that the imagequality from the CFV is great (esp with the SWC or 50/4 FLE) and I do not regret buying it one bit. before buying I rented a P20 (which was cheaper) but was disappointed with the output, which may be more to do with capture one vs flexcolor at the time (flexcolor is a pain, but with a bit of practice it delivers stunning colour). hasselblad do charge a lot to do any work on anything but in fairness to them, they are a small company and their customers will not unreasonably hold them to account more than, for example, most canon customers.


ps a friend had the old kodak back and loved it, at least at low ISOs. they are rare now but probably cheap. software could be a problem, I guess.
hi keith, they are listed on the hasselblad pro centre website 'secondhand' list. best to call them to check availability because the list is not updated much. very helpful there (although I haven't dealt with them much). they are in mallon street, off old street roundabout. best wishes, dave
CFVs are somewhat in demand because they are the only back that allows cordless full functions on a 200 series Hasselblad camera. All other backs are limited to 1/90th of second shutter or below.
have relisted my CFV at GBP 4400 so if anyone is interested, please see the classified section on this forum
all the best