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Upload Practice

LR export and Image Upload practice..another Antelope Can. pix


  • _-4.jpg
    318.9 KB · Views: 65
  • _-4.jpg
    318.9 KB · Views: 66
Beautiful image Steve! Was this also with your 503CWD? Which lens? A composite/stiched image or single frame? I REALLY like it.

Just an FYI about slot canyons. They can be dangerous. 11 people drowned in the Lower canyon 10 years ago...the danger is much less now but still present. This past week, two people drowned in the Egypt 3 slot canyon at Grand Escalante.

A pano of no technical or artistic merit but just a "travel photo".
A 10 frame pano of a portion of the Elk herd that spends the Winter in Jackson Hole WY. 503CWD 180/4


Great idea to make a pano shot of this herd.
Makes me wonder how a print will look in a pretty frame.
