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The space in between

I was wondering about Simon too as he has been conspicuously absent of late when I pop my head around the door of this forum.

I remembered he had some ailment, but can't recall its nature...

Thankfully, Clarkie has taken on responsibility for amusing Europeans with old fashioned Strine.

Although the y'all bit is 'Merkin, of course.

Picture a workplace on a Monday (pronounced Mun-dee) morning:

Bloke 1: 'Avagoodweegend?'
Bloke 2: 'Yer'.

No more conversation until smoko (which is morning tea).

Sadly, now it is more likely to be discussions of the tilt sensors in their new razors or perhaps even their
feelings about something.
G'Day Nick:

The Y'all happens when an Aussie bloke lives in South Carolina with an American shiela born and raised in the deep south. So I say "G'Day Y'all". I haven't tried "Have a nice G'day" yet.
But I've said "You're welcome, mate" more than once.

Anyway, back to me barbie. I wanta burn a coupla snags and a chop or two. And crack a coldie. My throats as dry as a dead dingo's donga.

See ya round.



(And Get Well Soon, Galbers.)