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The Hasselblad Manual by Ernst Wildi (3rd Ed)


Hi everyone,

on Colin Clarke's recommendation I managed to secure a great condition edition of this book. A very informative book with loads of lovely colour and b&w plates inside. This will accompany me and reside at my bedside table. It's a great reference manual and even though its written prior to my 503cx coming out it is still current.

thanks Mister Hasselblad
P.S. Maybe it may read even better with a nice Coonawarra Cabernet Savignon?
Matt you are absolutely right. It reads a lot better with a Cabernet Savignon.
Keep those bottles coming!

As soon as you are finished with the Wildi book try to get a copy of Richard Nordins Hasselblad Compendium.
All Hasselblad equipment from the early cameras till about 1998 is reviewed with information on years of production and good estimates of the number of items produced. Of course lenses and all other related equipment is there too.
Ah yes I have read about that book on this forum and the writer / distributor is a member here as well? Where would I purchase this book from ?

You can find the Compendium sometimes at eBay.
I would check Amazon booksite.
As far as I know it is still available from bookstores as well.
Richard Nordin is also a member of this MF site.

A word of warning: It may become an expensive book as you will get lots of ideas about ways to expand your kit!
Hi everyone,

on Colin Clarke's recommendation I managed to secure a great condition edition of this book. A very informative book with loads of lovely colour and b&w plates inside. This will accompany me and reside at my bedside table. It's a great reference manual and even though its written prior to my 503cx coming out it is still current.

thanks Mister Hasselblad
P.S. Maybe it may read even better with a nice Coonawarra Cabernet Savignon?

Hold on a second Matt,

I think I had on of his books only on Medium format photography which hanged around to me for long years. I learned all my first lessons on 6X6 from this book ,I confess.

Then I changed in to Blad and found his latest edition of THE HASSELBLAD MANUAL 5th edition. this book is very interesting, worth every point to some one is new to Blad.
So later on,I plan to settle down to read this a little on a glass of sider not any thing heavier i guess
Hold on a second Matt,

I think I had on of his books only on Medium format photography which hanged around to me for long years. I learned all my first lessons on 6X6 from this book ,I confess.

Then I changed in to Blad and found his latest edition of THE HASSELBLAD MANUAL 5th edition. this book is very interesting, worth every point to some one is new to Blad.
So later on,I plan to settle down to read this a little on a glass of sider not any thing heavier i guess

Yes it's a top read. Something you can go back to again and again. The magic of 6x6 through a blad/zeiss is just something magical for me. Enjoy Cyril.