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The 500mm lens.....

I have a black non T* 350mm Tele Tessar that has seen some good use by me in the past few years. I have wanted the 500mm, in fact, have purchased three different ones (from KEH in Atlanta USA) but each has had issues, so back they go.

I have a complete set of the early black lenses, from 30mm to 350mm. Not counting the exotic UV lenses and such, the 500mm is the only gap in my Hasselblad system.
I've never had a Hasselblad 500 but instead used novoflex lenses 400 and yes an old 500/5.6. The new novoflex 400 are quite good. I used the 500 for taking ophotos of mute swans. Turned up quite good actually - advantage is that you can get very nice environmental shots of wildlife with the 500 and still have a lot of detail on both the subject as well as nice out of focus backgrounds. i really like this focal length for that purpose. You cannot get that type of shot with 35mm/APS-C because of a narrower angle. The effect is really cool. I see if I have any such picture digitized. These makes for really nice enlargements. This is really where MF excells with its rich tonality and detail - but also effects from the lenses like 500. So I think the 500 should be used and not only be had for show.

To gloves: Yes thinsulate gloves are pretty good. I however still prefer really good old wollen mitts. For really cold weather I also use not woodchopper mitts but lumerjack leather gloves. Have a safety lopp so if you take em off they will hang by your wrist. The use one thicker wollen mitt and one thinner. this set of equipment has kept my hands warm down to -50C.

The light weight thinsulate gloves work pretty well. Inside a large warm loose mitt is best, the kind with no cuff so you can just shake them off ad slide back in easily. One type I liked we called "woodchopper mitts".

Back to the issue at hand, the 500, wonder if there are any serious wildlife types using the 500 and Hassy system, or they have all gone to the (very excellent) SLR's.

Cheers: t
I use three lenses for distance shot, from back to front:

Tele-Apotessar 8/500 T*,
Tele-Tessar 5.6/300 T* and Teleconvrter APO 1.4XE,
Tele-Superachromat 5.6/350 T*

I use three lenses for distance shot, from back to front:

Tele-Apotessar 8/500 T*,
Tele-Tessar 5.6/300 T* and Teleconvrter APO 1.4XE,
Tele-Superachromat 5.6/350 T*

:z04_sabber::z04_sabber::z04_sabber: I envy you .
One smiley for each lens .
But are you shure about the TELE-TESSAR 5,6/300 ? ? ? ? ?
I have never heard of that lens .

So there is a drooling smiley...???

Yes, that picture is really making, at least, me drooling all over the place.

But what Hasselblad gear is there that isn't making me drooling....?? :z04_yes: