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Tethering problems with H4? Contact me


New Member
Hello all,

I have owned or tested 4 Hasselblad H4's over the past two years and currently own two H4D's which I use professionally. I wont bore you all with the entire story here however, I have had countless problems getting this camera to work correctly tethered to the point that it does not work in a professional setting as a tethered camera. I have tried absolutely everything, changed cables, computers etc. etc and have been given a phenomenal amount of "run around" by Hasselblad. In the end, I have figured out the problem and Hasselblad's solution was to come up with the H5 and change the configuration while pretending I'm the only person who has had trouble with the H4.

If you own or owned an H4 and use it tethered or have had a problem using it tethered, I'd like to hear from you and find out what your experience has been or if you found a solution. Please message me if you have any experience or thoughts on Hasselblad H4's and any issues related to tethering.
