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Tennis ad shot


Here is a sport shot done with the HC 150 for a brochure. Names have been removed from tear sheet.


  • CarliTennisShotNoWriting.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 94
  • CarliTennisShotNoWriting.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 96
great shot. just a question, how high was the light? angle i guess?

I may use that kind of shot for a car I am looking at shooting.

Thanks in advance
I don't remember the exact set up but looking at it I believe the light was about 4-5' off of the ground. Profoto, single light. Also, looks like the angle is about 45degrees but again I can't be positive. I remember doing the shoot and it was very cold as you can tell by the goosebumps on the models legs. Getting the timing of the ball to a few takes but ultimately they were very happy with the shot.