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Tele-tessar 500 f8 [is it worth?]


Hello everybody,

I would like to ask for your opinions about the lens in the title: CZ Tele-Tessar 500 f8. Is it worth buying it? I was told that the optical quality of the early Hasselblad long lens is not the best one.

As an alternative, would you recommend rather getting a 2x Rokunar converter and using it with the 250 Sonnar (that I already have)?

Thank you,


There are two different 500 mm Tele Tessar lenses.
You probably mean the early "C" type lens with Compur shutter. That is not a bad lens as some may say. It give very good results provided you use a strong tripod. It can be found at very low prices.
The lens sure is worth what some people are asking for it now.

The later CF version is an improved lens but is difficult to find and much more expensive.

Results with a converter and a 250 lens can be good.
This combination has the disadvantage that the lens speed drops from F5,6 to F 11.
The advantage of using a coverter is that the minimum object distance stays the same. It is much smaller than that of a 500 mm lens.

I thinks you have good information and your alternatif is good too.
Of course you will get a 500mm/11 but the "combined lens" is shorter and focus closer.
Hello Paul and thank you for the feedback.

Yes, it's about the "old" Tele-tessar. Since I am using my Hasselblad kit mostly during my mountaineering hikes it wouldn't be too wise to invest in a "modern" lens.

Will browse for an interesting offer in Europe. Getting one from ebay@us would cost me at least 550$ + shipping + customs.

Will let you know you guys about what I will finally get. Perhaps I should browse the "classified" section :)

For mountaineering this lens is rather bulky. And so is the tripod required for it. What do you need it for? At least my first choice for mountaineering is the Hasselblad SWC. Of course this is less than perfect for taking pictures of ibex, marmot or eagle...

The 500 mm C-lens is not bad, on high contrast edges you may detect colour fringing as result of chromatic aberration. It is not very fast to operate, the focus mechanism of the CF Apo 500 moves easier. The lens was designed in the early 1960s. But it looks really sexy with the big focus wheel.

Hi Steve,

Do not expect too much use of the split because it will darken on most occasions.
These large lenses can de found around 400 euro at camera fairs.
That is for a good clean lens. It may need some attention to the shutter.
A simple clean and lube job is not too much of a problem.

Ulrik is right, a strong tripod is essential for good reults with this lens.
That adds to the weight.....

Ulrik, my favorite mountaineering kit contains the Distagon 40, Planar 100 and (when I go to places where I have a good perspective) Sonnar 250. All of the lens are C T*.

Now, I discovered this summer some places where I would need a focal longer than 250. And I immediately thought of the 500 Tele-tessar (I admit, I like a lot how that lens looks like). Unfortunately I cannot see it and try it around here anywhere.

Anyway, will follow this thread and, in the mean time, will also have a look at the 350 C T* Tele-tessar. Maybe that lens can be a good compromise.

Ulrik, my favorite mountaineering kit contains the Distagon 40, Planar 100 and (when I go to places where I have a good perspective) Sonnar 250. All of the lens are C T*.

Now, I discovered this summer some places where I would need a focal longer than 250. And I immediately thought of the 500 Tele-tessar (I admit, I like a lot how that lens looks like). Unfortunately I cannot see it and try it around here anywhere.

Anyway, will follow this thread and, in the mean time, will also have a look at the 350 C T* Tele-tessar. Maybe that lens can be a good compromise.


You might also consider the Hasselblad 2XE for about the same price. You will then have a 250 and 500 for a lot less weight.

Well Steve, thank for the idea but, no matter I mentioned this in my initial post, I don't like teleconverters. I would rather carry more weight or plan my trip (the choice of the lens) more carefully.

Will still "investigate" about the 500 and 350 Tele-tessar :).


It is never too late to make an exception to a rule.
The Hasselblad or Zeiss 2X converter is excellent and will certainly live up to your expectations.

I would go as far as to day the early 500 mm Tele Tessar is not a better performer because of
chromatic aberration already mentioned by Ulrik.

I use the 2X converter quite often with the 110 mm lens for F(E) cameras.
Results are very very good!

Yes, I guess you're right :) There are certain moments when exceptions from the rule are needed. Will have a look into that direction (the teleconverter's :) ).

Thanks for all the help.

Hi Cristian--

I now have the newer Tele-Apotessar CF 500mm but previously had the older Tele-Tessar All Black Model of the 500mm. I rarely use either model and can't easily judge one over the other. I can however show you one image that has always pleased me that was taken with the earlier Tele-Tessar lens. I wish you the best in your selection process.

This shot was taken quite a few years ago just North of Durango, CO during the month of September when the Aspen leaves are reaching their peak of fall color. The camera body was my 500 C/M.



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Having had used both the 500/8 verses the 350/5.6 with a Zeiss 1.4X ... I'd opt for the 350/5.6CF (which is easier to find than the 500/8CF) and a later model 1.4XCFE.

The 350/5.6 is excellent alone, more compact, and losses very little optically with the 1.4X ... less than a 250 with a 2X IMHO.
Again, thank you everybody for all the opinions. Since I had no chance of actually seeing for real any of the Tele-tessar, your advices were very helpful to me. In the end decided to try the market for the 350 Tele-tessar, although I am not sure I have enough $ to get the CF one.

ps. and still I keep dreaming about the big 500 C. Hopefully will get that one day too :)