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Tasteful nude

Thanks Paul.
I will check with my local area repair shop to see just what state of disassembly my 2000FC is in and then contact John to discuss a new shutter. I really appreciate your information. Hated to see my almost mint body 2000FC canabalized for parts. Maybe this shutter came along just in the nick of time.

Thanks again,


Email address removed.
It is against forum rules.
I had to remove a post containing an emailaddress for a company.
It is against forum rules to put those at the forum.

Is it???
Where does it say?

It is where these shutter curtains come from that are the subject of this thread, and where fellow Hasselbladians who would also like to can find the things to give their defective 2000-series cameras a new lease on life.
A good subject for a Hasselblad forum indeed!

John Emmett, the man whose address it is, is mentioned too in this thread.

But the way to reach him is tabooed?

In other threads, particular retailers are mentioned frequently.

But the one place where we can find a way to save our 2000-series cameras from the rubbish tip is banned?

Would it be alright then to post the address of the PERSON that can help my and your fellow-Hasselbladians to save our 2000-series cameras?
If so, reinsert the post.

Or is there a clue in the phrase "our research project", and are you trying to protect your own business plans?
If you do not care to read the terms of use and act accordingly you will see your posts removed.
Terms of use can be found at the bottom of the home page.

Repeated misconduct will lead to a temporary or permanent ban.
You have been warned before for gross misconduct against respected members of this forum

Posting links, emailaddresses regarding companies is against point 1.3 of the terms of use
Besides that it is against forum rules it may cause severe spam problems for the user of this emailaddress.

Further more you are not in a position to give orders to those who moderate or own the forum.

I will report your behaviour to forum management.
For the mean time I ask you not to post till further notice.
Any new post will mean a permanent ban without warning.
Hey folks,

cool down. We expect from every user to respect the netiquette.

If a moderator decides in a situation to delete a link, then it would be better in case of questions to PM him/her in a friendly way instead of insulting people.

It is correct that we do not like to be the marketing platform for other's people business.

It is a very difficult decision when exactly marketing starts and where the help in a problem of & for a user ends. If a moderator has the impression, that something was posted more because of a marketing purpose to solicit new business, than it is normal that he will react against this.

Nowadays discussion forums are used very often for soliciting new business and we have experienced many cases on our forums already. So please understand, that we try to make balanced decisions and if someone feels that this his intention was misunderstood, he can address this via PM to the moderator who decided this to discus it in a friendly way.

But we do not tolerate aggressive attitudes against the people who spend their free time helping us to run this forum and to keep it clean and a pleasure to use.
Hello to all--

Please excuse my post that must have started all of this. I am sure that I should have read the rules more carefully. I'll try to do better on the next post. Thanks for the PM Paul. I picked up my 2000FC body today in several disassembled parts and plan to forward the info and pix to the UK.

Thanks again,


Hi Don,

It is not your fault in any way so there is no need for excuses.
I hope your camera likes ocean travel as it is about to go to the UK.
I will keep my fingers crossed. The camera is in save hands there.

I haven't been following this thread for awhile so I guess I will be the first to ask some additional questions.....

I am intrigued by the resurrection of these log discontinued bodies. Consider it a backup body as the battery problem doesn't exist as it does in the 200 series body. The best measure here is to remove the battery when not in use.

For those individuals whom has undertaken this surgery on their 2000 body, how has the shutter curtain held up and any problems so far? Any thing that we should be aware of before we take the leap of faith?

At some point in the future, I would have to ask for the parties information so that I could go forward. How would this be handled?

Thanks in advance,

Unless you have an experienced camera tech in your area who actually knows these 2000 cameras I would recommend sending the body to England to have a replacement shutter fitted.

When you need more information about how to proceed please contact me through a pm.

These shutters have been tested for quite a while now and are holding up great.
Only the 2000 FCW and the 2003FCW can be operated without a battery.

Thank for the prompt reply. I plan to use Hasselblad USA to retrofit the new shutters into a 2000FC body that will be coming my way soon. I will wait till I have the body in my hands before I proceed forward.

Would you know what exactly is involved in converting a 2000FC over to the 2000FCM version? I like the curtain hold feature when a back is removed.


Early 2000FC bodies were often upgraded to FC/M spec.
There were two reasons: first of all the mod was done to protect the shutter by means of the switch operated retractionsystem of the shutter curtains.
Also early electronics suffered from problems that were later solved in FC bodies even before the upgrade to FC/M took place.
The electronics are different for a 2000FC/M.
Besides that a switch has to be fitted at the top of the rear plate from the body.

These usefull mods are less important once a shutter has been installed with the new material.
New shutters are foolproof and do not require the retraction system as fitted to the FC/M and later cameras.

If Hasselblad NJ cannot help you to fit the shutter you still have the option to have the camera repaired in England.
This option might well be less expansive.

Hello y'all---

Today I received back from John Emmett my 2000FC body looking and working like a new jewel. And this when I thought that the needed shutter repairs had made it ripe for canabalization. I had been told that a new or used shutter would be required, but; thanks to Paul introducing me to John, I not only have a like new body but one with the ORIGINAL shutter repaired. John indicated that we could proceed three ways, reglue the original shutter back to one of the rollers or install a new fabric shutter or trade for another body that had already been repaired. I have a sentimental attachment to my original body since I still have the 110F lens and the A12 back that I bought as a kit in 1981, so I chose to repair the original shutter. I will attach some pictures if I can only figure out how to do so on this thread. The shutter has also been calibrated and I will find the time soon to check this out with some actual picture taking.

Thanks again to you Paul and to John Emmett.

Hello Don,

That is very good news. Nice to hear you got those options because the shutter in your camera could be saved.
It shows John takes a good look at what he has got to work on and gives the option to save the original shutter if that is still possible.

The only things lacking now are some pics of the camera.
Show us this beauty as soon as you have the pics.

I will make a stab at posting pictures of my 2000FC; however, I am not sure that I have downsized them correctly to meet the file size requirements and the quality may have suffered greatly.

Nice camera Don,

How about some pics of the shutter.
I know it is the original Hasselblad one but it is the most important part of the camera.
A little larger is no problem.
