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SWC Help

Well, Paul, only 1200 kms..slowed down by heavy rain in NW Texas and NE NM. Hopefully the Aspens will still have good color in Southern CO so that I can put the Hassies to work tomorrow.


1200 Kms at an average of 65 mph? is still a lot of hours behind the wheel.

Do not think you are the only one having to put up with speed limits. Most countries in Europe have speed limits.
Besides that slow moving traffic gives me an average well under 50 mph while driving in Holland.

Germany is the only EU country where fast driving is allowed but only where no speed limits exist. Not much fun either.
A fast trip on the Nordschleife is more exiting.

I was much impressed the first time I was in CO. The Switzerland of the USA is a fully justified claim.
Not only for wintersports but for the scenery as well. Light was great in August. Enjoy your trip and show us what was there!

I have experienced , that you should either use the flash sync cable or you can choose a longer exposure time at the CFV back .
For example : the correct exposure would be a 1/2 second , chosse a longer time at the CFV back . (if not using the sync flash cable)
You can also choose F.E. set to one or two seconds but only use a real exposure time which is shorter than that .

BTW , this was discussed in an earlier thread and the magenta cast had gone .
I have no trouble using the sync cable and all stupid release button issues are gone .
Also , i can not see any bad results using my 905SWC + CFV BACK .
I have taken many images with that combination . Some were posted here .
Still learning how to use the SWC to get the best results. SWC-D spent the afternoon in Monument Valley today. This is a jpeg directly from the RAW DNG..still has dust spots and other problems.



  • Monument Valley.jpg
    Monument Valley.jpg
    302.3 KB · Views: 60
  • Monument Valley.jpg
    Monument Valley.jpg
    302.3 KB · Views: 60
Amazing effect of this supreme wide angle, meaning the lens not the SWA camera.

The plants in the foreground give the idea you are really standing in the sand to look at the scenery.

SWC and CFV go well together!
