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Sunday chaos


Active Member
This morning I found a nice mess of cameras and other items on the little table in my office.
The remains of a week using the recently found 553ELX and my oldest SWA camera.
The rest of the gear was use to check compatibility or to take pictures from for the forum.

A good opportunity to bring the stuff back to where it belongs.


Old and not so old


  • IMG_1515-2.jpg
    243.8 KB · Views: 40

What is the top left corner one ? ? ?

I bet , you wanted to ask me that . But an answer would be nice anyway .


That is just an old SWA. Nothing special. I got some more of those.
The last one I saw made only 388 euro.
Nobody wants these old things anymore. Too complicated.
Transport film and cocking a shutter is too much work.
Everybody wants a 903 or 905 these days.
Hasselblad missed the 904. But that was a Porsche racing car......


That is just an old SWA. Nothing special. I got some more of those.
The last one I saw made only 388 euro.


Ah, you finally received the SWA that you plan to have cut into 2 halves with a diamond cutting blade, so that people can see what a Biogon looks like inside?

Interesting, I am sure interested in the finished display!

Hi Wilko,

I only need half an SWA so I am open for offers on the other half.....
Once the camera is cut in two sections it can not be glued back together. :confused:

I do not see why but a local expert in optics said so. :(

Hi Wilko,

I only need half an SWA so I am open for offers on the other half.....
Once the camera is cut in two sections it can not be glued back together. :confused:

I do not see why but a local expert in optics said so. :(


Hm, the other half might be interesting for my own display. Lets discuss this offline.

Maybe we should find a suitable CFV to dissect too? That would nicely complement the SWA-twin :) I guess HB should have a few writeoffs with loose tiltsensors etc.

As for glueing it together, half of the world are stitching their panorama pictures together so why wouldn't that work for a Biogon-created image with a slight flaw due to the glue?

Nasty people , wanting to put a SWA into two parts and then glue together again . :z04_hinterherjagen:

How can HASSELBLAD users ever have such ideas ? ? ? Shame on you . :)
:z04_TUjXSMUS: :z04_bier01: <--- Hefeweizen of course...


I know Hefeweizen (intimately) and Hefeweizen never told me to do this.

Perhaps a little TOO MUCH Hefeweizen is the probelm here? Too much of a good thing can make otherwise sensible people do very strange things. :)

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska
I know Hefeweizen (intimately) and Hefeweizen never told me to do this.

Perhaps a little TOO MUCH Hefeweizen is the probelm here? Too much of a good thing can make otherwise sensible people do very strange things. :)

Gary Benson
Eagle River, Alaska

Wise words.. but remember that the opportunity for a good practical joke should always be seriously considered..

A :lol: a day keeps the doctor away!

Nasty people , wanting to put a SWA into two parts and then glue together again . :z04_hinterherjagen:

How can HASSELBLAD users ever have such ideas ? ? ? Shame on you . :)

The advantage of this operation is called sharing Jürgen.
Please note two people can be very happy owning each half an SWA camera.
Unlike others who want it all. :z04_motzer:

The advantage of this operation is called sharing Jürgen.
Please note two people can be very happy owning each half an SWA camera.
Unlike others who want it all. :z04_motzer:


Ahhhhh......NOW I understand. Your dear mother taught you well Paul. Always share the good fortune you have with others. Plus, you have the benefit of knowing that when you want to go out and shoot some photos with the'll be able (required) to share the experience with a good friend! :)
An excellent analysis Gary.
Now if only those greedy bastards in Wall Street could have had a decent education we would not have all the misery the world has to go through right now.....
