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Streaked Negs!


New Member
Hi all, newbie here (Stuart)

Have recently bought a 500cm but after shooting a couple of films I have on the left hand side of the neg, a band about 6mm in width, that is lighter than the rest of the neg. The main body of the neg is fine exposure wise. It appears that some malfunction is not enabling enough light to reach that part of the film. I should also point out that the lighter streak is slightly irregular i.e. not dead straight.
Sorry if I've been too long winded in my explanation but it's the best way I can describe my problem.

Any ideas?

I sounds most likely that you have a light leak in the film magzine, thru the slot where the the dark slide is.
Could you perhaps post a picture of it?
If I would have been home I could have posted one of my pictures with a light leak, but I'm not home until the weekend.
But you can find other pictures on the web...

The problem is rather easy to fix, at least the seal is a DIY job. But to get the seals could be slighty more difficult.

-- Olof
Light Streaks

Hi Olof
thanks for the suggestion but I've since discovered that I was not using enough chemicals to completetly cover the extra width of the 120 film therefore one side of the neg was not being developed properly.

Now sorted
Many thanks