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strange fogging on images


New Member
Help! Just got a 500C/80,2.8C/A12. Wow the quality of the photos is superb(Fuji 160) but. My first and second trial rolls all exhibit a strange fogging effect of no particular pattern. In fact I can best describe it as an irregular smoky haze that always seem to originate from the picture borders in..otherwise they are stunning. Iam not a person of means, but can anyone advice as to probable cause and fix. Thank you fellow V lovers. Await to hear from you all.
Hi Manuel!

Are You sure that the lens is ok? Are there any scratches on the rear lens/front lens? Maybe there is inside a sort of "Bad coating" (excuse my bad english, in german we say "Belag").

Many old 80C have scratches - also my first Hassy-lens, a 80 CF.

Hi Manuel

Are you loading and unloading the film in subdued light, and did you roll it really tight before you sealed it - etc - sometimes efects like you descripe has acoured if I have been in a stressed situation mot keeping my mind on proper loading/unloading.
Regards Ruben
Greetings to Wolfgang and Ruben. A local repair tech feels my fogging problem is probably due to needing replacement of the light seal kit on the 12 film magazine.Cost???.. It seems anything having to do with VH system is surrounded by some type of mystical fog of its own. It seems people think if you use VH your are a snob, rich or dumb. Why we could all be using Bronicas.
hi manuel,ican repair your fogging problem for only $30.00 ,i think that is very good price for Hasselblad.Anyway you have lightleaks on bronica cameras too.(price for Bronica would be the same....
You can usually find the light seal repair kit on ebay for about $20 - it's a simple job you can do yourself.


"A local repair tech feels my fogging problem is probably due to needing replacement of the light seal kit on the 12 film magazine."