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storing backup and non in-use bodies


hi guys just wondering if there is a 'proper' way to store bodies that are not in use or will not be used for some time and what are the 'best practices'

for the moment my question is, what will be better, to store lets say a 500cm with or without the mirror up (back curtains open), with or without the shutter cocked?

does it matter?

as an example someone told me that is recommended to store film backs without the darkslide inside, this prevents the light trap from getting wrong or something like that
Storing equipment

My general rule is always leave body and lenses cocked.
That is especially important if the body has a lens attached.
You will be able to remove the lens immediately if neccessary.

Trying to fit a lens that is not cocked to a body will lead to a seized combination.
If you are planning to store a body or a lens for more than six months it may be an advantage to release them.
Keep in mind to cock them before doing anything else!
I'm a newbie to all of this (two days) but I've read (somewhere) that the cocked position does not involve any tensioning of any components, and so being designed for this it does not harm Hassy's in any way.

I can't recall unfortunately where it was however that I got this information. It seems however that everything about a Hasselblad is centered around the shutter being cocked ... so despite how unintuitive it feels ... it must be the way, I'd say.

Does anyone else have any information on this?
First of all I forgot to mention that Hasselblad cameras are not meant to be stored but to be used.

If for any reason a camera or lens needs to be stored for a longer period of time it is better to release the mechanism.
Cocked lenses and bodies have loaded springs.
Those springs can withstand being loaded for a long time without problems.

Do not overdo it!
My 1600F was stored over 45 years in spring loaded condition.
The shutter springs needed replacement but that was about it.
That camera is in perfect working condition with new springs and fresh oil.

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

1600F NFS image 3.jpg

1951 1600F with 80 mm Kodak Ektar lens
Camera and photo Jürgen Loob


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    1600F NFS image 3.jpg
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