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softar II


Hi, I finally bought a softar II, I did a test just today, on black and white film..

I am wondering, do you need to adjust the exposure in any way (because of the filter)?
Greetings, CS.

In that Softars are clear filters, they do not require exposure adjustment. BTW, one additional point regarding your Softar is to be very careful should you need to clean the filter's surfaces; since Softars are made of plastic, chemical solvents should never be used. If cleaning is required, it’s best to begin with an air blower to first remove any particles, then breathe on the surface and polish with a micro fiber cloth to remove smudges or fingerprints.

Thanks a lot for the tip!

I have noticed, while testing on digital. that the filter tends to soften the highlights quite nicely, so (maybe) areas that will normally be blown because of too much light could get "diffused" and retain detail,

so far i love the effect, it really changes the light, it is not just soft focus that you get, it changes whatever light you use..

More softars

The softar I gives the same effect only less obvious.
The softar III gives a stronger effect than the softar II.
Softars may be used in sets to control the amount of "softening"