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So what is the worst Hasselblad lens you ever used


I found , that from time to time my preference for a specific focal length changes . From the SWC BIOGON to the CFE180 .
In general , the PLANAR CF 100mm is my "beloved" lens but I am also very much looking forward to get my 203FE back from modification , that I can use my DISTAGON FE 2,8/50 and my virgin FE110 with the CFV .
All my lenses are very good , otherwise I would not have bought them .
And the ones I don't have , i can't afford (300mm Telephoto power pack) or I don't really need them .
The same for me. It depends frome time to time. If only one lens. It's good to chose 60mm or 80mm. For lonng time the 110mm is my prefered one even if at 2.0 the contraste is low. I had the 150cf and the pentagonal bokeh drive me crasy. I sold it and baught the 180mm witch I suspected was the best. The quality is at the top but the pentagons are there too and it's just too long for my use.

My worst lens is my trinar 80mm 2.8 fitted on my 1600f.
What I like too, is a fast focusing lens. My old 80C is terrible for my fingers after having using the 110 F.

Of course I was making a joke and as Marc wrote the mere fact that most cameras were sold with the 80 mm lens chances are that the largest number of stunning images were made with the 80 mm.
300mm Telephoto power pack)>


Did you really have to say that! Ever since I played with one of those I have considered taking the plunge! Of course the price I'd have to pay is far more that Hasselblad wants.


Jurgen's point about the CFE 180 reminds me that while every Zeiss/Hassy lens I have gives me joy - there are those that are "special" rather than those that are "disappointing". In the special category, my heart flutters when I use the CF 180mm, CF 60mm and CF 120mm.

Hey, wow, now can anyone pick up the somewhat interesting coincidence about the 3 lenses I nominated as being special to me - 60, 120, 180! Ok, the maths is simple and obvious, but taking it a step further - the 60 is special and each multiple of 60 above it is too. Now maybe that explains why Jurgen and Gilbert "melt" when they think of the 300!
So, Messers Zeiss and Hasselblad - why no 240mm?!
I might just call this "Simon's optical law of 60s"!

Isidor, adds an interesting point that made him quit the 150mm - bokeh. This is one general aspect of the Zeiss/Hassy lenses that has sat well with me - the bokeh is pleasing (and especially wonderful in the 120 and 180 lenses IMHO).

Funnily enough while I find the 150mm (the second last lens I added to my kit) rather "mundane", it certainly has a place in my kit (apart from the obvious point about the angle of view having a role to play) - relative compactness and light weight making it my first choice for "out-and-about" shooting where I take it with the 1.4Xe and the 60mm making my bag load convenient. But so far I have not seen bokeh from it than I did not like - now I must run some tests against the 120 and 180!
Touche Gilbert.

Having said I find the 150mm a little mundane - I shot this with the 150mm last weekend. Shot wide open it produced nice out of focus.
