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so there is no databank for the fifty?


i have been trying to get rid of cf card lag....even if it means sticking another pound into my hassy....but now i heard that the the databank is not compatible to the 50 megapixel ....

am i wrong on this..

Image BanK-II

Good question.

I would like to know the answer to that question myself since I own an Image Bank-II ... and it does allow faster capture with no buffer limitations at all.

It's also needed if, like me, you use a technical field camera or view camera, since it powers the digital back that is no longer connected to a H camera and it's grip battery.
i have been trying to get rid of cf card lag....even if it means sticking another pound into my hassy....but now i heard that the the databank is not compatible to the 50 megapixel ....

am i wrong on this..


Currently, the Image Bank II is not supported by the H3DII50. Hasselblad does intend to implement this function in the future.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA
Good question.

I would like to know the answer to that question myself since I own an Image Bank-II ... and it does allow faster capture with no buffer limitations at all.

It's also needed if, like me, you use a technical field camera or view camera, since it powers the digital back that is no longer connected to a H camera and it's grip battery.


You can connect the Image Bank II to the H3DII50, though you can not at this time capture to it, the IBII will provide power to the H3DII digital magazine so you may use it on a technical field camera or view camera.

Paul Claesson
Hasselblad USA