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Sinar anyone?


I am anxiously waiting for this beauty to arrive in Alaska and hoping it will get here before I leave for Dawson City, Yukon next Wednesday.

If it does arrive before Wednesday, I will be driving to Dawson instead of riding my motorcycle. Hoping I can load up the Honda CRV with my Hasselblad, Sinar and Leica cameras to get some more photos of those old, run down buildings in the Yukon. :))

With the purchase of this Sinar P, I've achieved my own personal photo equipment "hat trick". Hasselblad, Leica and Sinar systems.

Does it get any better than this?

Life is good.



  • Sinar P Mine-01.jpg
    Sinar P Mine-01.jpg
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    Sinar P Mine-05.jpg
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  • Sinar P Mine-01.jpg
    Sinar P Mine-01.jpg
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  • Sinar P Mine-05.jpg
    Sinar P Mine-05.jpg
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Congratulations on the purchase of this Sinar camera.

You have now what is often called the best cameras for all three formats.

That also means an obligation for more excellent pictures about which this forum does not complain.

Happy shooting!

Congratulations on the purchase of this Sinar camera.

You have now what is often called the best cameras for all three formats.

That also means an obligation for more excellent pictures about which this forum does not complain.

Happy shooting!


Thank you Paul....the best of all three formats....that was my opinion also!

Yes, I'm already feeling the pressure to get out and make more photographs. I actually just got three rolls of film back from the local photo lab today that I had taken with my 501CM and 553ELX last weekend. :)

I will try to scan some of these and post them here soon....I already see one or two that would have been good for a 2010 calendar on "Roadside Diners". I don't know if you have such diners there....they are popular here in the States.

All the best,

Hi Gary,

US diners are quite well known in Europe.
We do not have those as you are used to in the US although some entrepreneurs copied the typical American diner in Europe.
I know there is one in Antwerp, Belgium and I suppose there must be more.

The typical Belgian way of roadside food supply is a "Frietkot".
A small shack of simple construction were famous French fries and other fast food is sold.
French fries is a strange expression because we think of those more as Belgian fries.

Hi Gary,

The typical Belgian way of roadside food supply is a "Frietkot".
A small shack of simple construction were famous French fries and other fast food is sold.


Sounds much like an Alaskan road side diner.....something like this place, Kendo's Soup and Pasta shack? :)

I took this pic with the 501CM and 80mm Planar.



  • Ship Creek Diner - Kendos Soup and Pasta Large.jpg
    Ship Creek Diner - Kendos Soup and Pasta Large.jpg
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  • Ship Creek Diner - Kendos Soup and Pasta Large.jpg
    Ship Creek Diner - Kendos Soup and Pasta Large.jpg
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I owe you one of a typical Belgian Frietkot.
Belgians are worried these small "restaurants" are disappearing too fast.
They even set up a scheme to make frietkotten official part of Belgian culture.
That gives them status of national heritage!

With the purchase of this Sinar P, I've achieved my own personal photo equipment "hat trick". Hasselblad, Leica and Sinar systems.

Does it get any better than this?

Life is good.


Beautiful... :z04_sabber:

What lenses do you have for the Sinar?

Beautiful... :z04_sabber:

What lenses do you have for the Sinar?


Hi Wilko,

For the moment, the Sinar will have to share lenses with my Ebony 45SU. A bit of a pain to remove them from the Ebony lensboard and mount on the Sinar lensboard whenever I want to swap systems, but it will do for now. I have a 90/8 Super Angulon, 120/5.6 Nikkor (one of my favorites, but a bit large on the Ebony), 150/5.6 Sironar, 210/5.6 Nikkor and 300/9 Nikkor. I think I might settle on a two lens setup for the Sinar....the 120/5.6 Nikkor and a 240mm focal length. I would then replace the 120/5.6 formerly on the Ebony with a 135mm focal length (smaller/lighter). That should do it for awhile.
