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shutter realease stuck whenever i put on the film back

hello Paul!
Thank you, I forced it open and the film was totally ruined and folded. But if I get it on one of those wheels for film developing im gonna try and see how it turned out after all. I loaded a new one now and turned the wheel counter clock wise. Lets hope this goes better :p
Hello Line,,

I should have known better!
Many years ago when all but one of the filmbacks I used were of the A12 model I had an old "12" back on my SWC.
I struggled to take the first picture when all of a sudden I remembered I had not reset the counter.
Problem solved!

A12 backs are quite different as far as loading is concerned.
Sorry, this incident did not come to mind earlier. It would have saved you a ruined film and some aggrevation.

Hi again!
Here I am again with new problems! It's beginning to get a bit embarrassing. Anyway, the films i use they all come out either partly on top of eachother (just at the edges) or I only use half of the film. (6 pictures)
It's like the counter doesnt start when the film starts, you know? But I turn the film till i see the arrow and then load the back onto the camera, but I guess I should wind it more before resetting the counter after putting it on..?!
Hi again!
Here I am again with new problems! It's beginning to get a bit embarrassing. Anyway, the films i use they all come out either partly on top of eachother (just at the edges) or I only use half of the film. (6 pictures)
It's like the counter doesnt start when the film starts, you know? But I turn the film till i see the arrow and then load the back onto the camera, but I guess I should wind it more before resetting the counter after putting it on..?!

Your film back needs to be adjusted by a Hasselblad technian.


Could you post an image from the film back(s) you are using?
I have a hunch you are using C or M type film backs.



12 Film back manual

Hello Line,

You probably know how to load the early style fim back.
Just to make sure it is done correctly here is a copy of the loading instructions:

m film back manual-3.jpg

It has been mentioned before, there is a good chance your film back(s) need to be serviced.
Service for older style fim backs is still possible although parts are becoming scarce.



  • m film back manual-3.jpg
    m film back manual-3.jpg
    469.1 KB · Views: 15
thank you paul, that link of yours actually did the trick. I didn't know about the winding till I saw 1 in the window. Thank you so much, now I wont waste 6 pictures anymore. still dont know why they come out partly on top of eachother though...I'll see how it goes this time. Thanks again!!
I am glad the loading of film is alright now.

The spacing problem is still a matter for a qualified technician.